What exactly, the person drawled out slowly in the tone you use on - TopicsExpress


What exactly, the person drawled out slowly in the tone you use on a misbehaving toddler, are you trying to do? Emphasis on trying, because even the trees knew he was failing. Joshua lifted his hands and tilted his head back. A tall, lean man stood looking down at him with his head tilted slightly in confusion. Landscaping, Joshua said. Im the new tree guy for the city. Oh. The man eyed the toppled oak. I see. Ive been watching you run into trees for an hour. Im testing them for rot. Joshua stated firmly. Its very hard to tell from the outside. You got to thump them good -- like a pumpkin... He was babbling like a complete idiot now. The man tilted his head the other direction. Arent you a little short for a tree trimmer? Joshua growled in annoyance and climbed to his feet. Not that it helped. Life had always been unfair to him, starting with his last name and ending with turning him into a very inept werewolf. Along the way, for complete shits and giggles, it had made him embarrassing short too. Joshua only came to the mans shoulder. Smells had been driving Joshua nuts since hed woke up a werewolf. Itd been the scent of the rabbits that started the entire trying to catch them. This man smelled of expensive cologne and something faintly sweet that triggered a strange urge to rub against him. Joshua stepped back a couple of steps to lessen the effect; he didnt want a repeat of the fire hydrant incident. Stupid dogs. At least, he assumed it was dogs. He couldnt imagine there was other werewolves out there, walking around on autopilot like he seemed to be half the time, pissing on fire hydrants without realizing what they were doing. And to top everything off, his stomach growled again. Loudly. Youre hungry. The man stated as a fact. A growl of anger slipped out without him even knowing it was coming. His temper had become something separate of him; it roamed around inside him like a high school bully searching the halls for victims. Joshua closed his eyes and took a deep breath and found his center. He normally was a much calmer person than this, but normally he was a much less hairier person than this. Are you some kind of tree police? Joshua asked without opening his eyes. Do you feel as if you have some kind of civic duty to come out here and – and – annoy the hell out of me? Well – yes – I do have a civic duty to stop you – that is – if you needed stopped. If youd kept to simple tree assault, I would have just kept watching. It was fairly entertaining, in a train wreck kind of way. Youve moved up to tree homicide. Homicide? Joshua opened his eyes to give the man an annoyed glare. That implies intent. At most, this is tree slaughter. Maybe even just reckless endangerment – it might not be dead. They eyed the tree in silence. His kick had sheered the tree trunk off five inches from the roots, leaving behind a white stump flowing with sap. No, thats dead, The man said. Yeah. Joshua had to agree. #joshua
Posted on: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 04:03:04 +0000

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