What happened in Muzaffar Nagar, UP. First the sequence. On being - TopicsExpress


What happened in Muzaffar Nagar, UP. First the sequence. On being told of the daily harassment his 14 year old sister had been facing at the hands of one Shanawaz of neighbouring village Kawal, Sachin decided to escort her to school. Unmindful of brother’s presence Shahnawaz still passed lewd comments. A scuffle broke out between Sachin and Shanawaz but Sachin went back to his home. After dropping his sister home, he returned back to Kawal with his cousin Gaurav and attacked Shahnawaz with a knife. A bleeding Shahnawaz was taken to hospital where he succumbed to his wounds. Meanwhile Sachin and Gaurav were caught by friends, relatives and neighbours of Shahnawaz. Both were dragged in a drain, beaten with rods, stoned and had their throats slit to end their ordeal which lasted a whole twenty five minutes. Policemen from the beat which was just a few minutes distance did not intervene. This incident which led to Kawal violence was one of the sickeningly long list of incidents of rape, molestation and harassments in Muzaffarnagar district. (For a representative list check out @Del_Alpha ‘s TL) In all these episodes the template was standard- Hindu girls as victims and Muslim youth as perpetrators. What followed was a Panchayat at Kawal on 31st August and another one at Shahpur on 7th September and an orgy of organised violence targeting Hindus returning from Shahpur Mahapanchayat. The causes that led to the tragic deaths in the aftermath on Saturday and Sunday were best found in the words of Additional Director General law and order, UP Police, Arun Kumar. Kumar who reached Kawal village in Muzaffarnagar, the centre of violence, on 28th of August while replying to a query admitted that the triple murders a day before could have been averted had the Police been responsive to frequent incidents of eve teasing and molestations resulting in communal flare ups in the recent past in district. Kumar essentially emphasised two things in his statement- Muslim belligerence and patent Police inaction in case the perpetrators of crimes or violence were Muslims. The former has found a new vigour under the Samajwadi Party rule and the later is a hallmark of tribal governance practised by casteist and communal Parties. What Kumar would not say was the fear which has either prevented Police officers from taking action against the perpetrators or book the wrong people- as in Shamli ( The markets in Shamli have remained closed for five consecutive days demanding removal of SP Abdul Hamid for his perceived partisan role). Whether it was the molestation of Jain monks by hooligans at Etmadpur near Agra or the three rapes of Dalit girls in Pratapgarh in a span of two weeks, UP Police, owing to the religion of perpetrators, has been conspicuously inactive in the 50 odd cases of communal violence in the state in last one year. In a rare case when District Magistrate Surendra Singh and Senior Superintendent of Police Manzil Saini snooped down on killers of Sachin and Gaurav in the Muzaffarnagar case, the duo was transferred within 48 hours. One of the main grudges in Kawal panchayat was the transfer of these two officers under pressure of Muslim leaders. No wonder then that both DIG and IG of Muzaffarnagar range fled the station after getting a whiff of possible violence on Saturday. The communally partial behaviour of UP government is no secret. As if the policies of communal reservations and scholarships based on religion were not enough, the blatant bias of Police and administration in day to day affairs has taken the idea of appeasement to whole new levels. Muslim representation in appointments of District Magistrates, Superintendents of Police, Station Police officers and Beat Officers is disproportionately high. This obsession with “Muslims first” policy of Akhilesh Government was witnessed in all crudity in the drama preceding the appointment of present chief secretary Javed Usmani. Usmani who was on deputation to Central govt was recalled against his wishes to facilitate the appointment of a Muslim to the post. The impunity with which the Muslim mobs lynched two brothers in Muzaffarnagar on 27th of August, ambushed people returning from Shahpur Mahapanchayat on 7th of September and fired at Army personnel is an unmistakable sign of growing Islamofascism in West UP that is being nurtured by appeasement politics. In a half decent democracy political leaders who have created this Frankenstein monster would have been nipped in the bud and severely punished but in the perversion we live, they are celebrity secularists. -- अनिच्च ! अनिच्च !! अनिच्च !!! अनित्य ही तो है । अनित्य !! अनित्य !!!
Posted on: Tue, 10 Sep 2013 06:56:43 +0000

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