What has she done to deserve you? Every time she looks at you, - TopicsExpress


What has she done to deserve you? Every time she looks at you, watch you from the ends of your hair to the tip of you toes, she wonders, what did she do to deserve you? You are the kind of guy every girl in this planet would dream of having. That guy who always look for little ways to make her feel safe, protected, and cared for. That guy who listens to her even if it’s something petty because he takes her seriously. That guy who hears her opinions, values them a lot and does not take any decisions without having a discussion with her. That guy who holds her instinctively in a crowd to reassure her, a reflex action that he does not realize. That guy who loves to use or hear “we” and “us” in a sentence instead of using or hearing “I” and “you”. That guy who keeps her updated about his life and what he is up to in a day even if he knows he is not obliged to do so. That guy who acts like an authoritarian mom whenever she misbehaves. That guy who makes up after a fight, swallows his pride, and offers something for reconciliation even if it’s not his fault in any matter. That guy who sends random messages while she’s asleep, reminding her of how much he treasures her. That guy who sacrifices his happiness just to see her happy, compromise her, giving her his favorite pillow for her night duties, giving her his favorite tea, giving up a bad habit, or something as small as letting her decide where to eat. That guy who cant stay mad at her for long and takes efforts to apologize or accept her apology. That guy who forgives without holding grudges. That guy who makes time for her no matter how occupied he is, goes out of his way to see her, to be with her. That guy who sees her and knows her, who is very observant and easily recognize something new in her. That guy who serenades her, sounds cliche and corny, but for her it’s really romantic. That guy who plans the best surprises for her. That guy who constantly motivates her and helps her achieve her full potential. That guy who grooms himself whenever he comes to meet her because he wants to look good for her. That guy who does not manipulate her or pressurize her in doing something he wants her to do, he may try to convince her but does not force her. That guy who can suppress his addictions for her. That guy who does not need to weigh any options available and chooses her in a flash without even thinking. That guy who does not get annoyed when she teases him or fool him around. That guy whose happiness is to see her getting fat, fatter and fatter everyday. That guy who’s allergic to any kind of perfumes but still hugs her. That guy who trusts her, believes her even if others say otherwise. That guy who does not give her an opportunity to doubt him, communicates with her frankly and avoids lying and keeping secrets. That guy who hesitates to touch her, to hold her, or kiss her because he treats her with a lot of respect. That guy who talks about his life and dreams with her, and giving her a prominent space in his future plans. That guy who does not know why he loves her, but still woos her, pursues her, and never ceases in showing how much he loves her. That guy who makes her fall in love with him all over again each day, in every way. That guy is near perfect. You are near perfect. She must have done something really good in her life for someone as special as you to want her, to need her. She really does not know what she did to deserve you, but I’m sure she’s glad she did it. :)
Posted on: Sun, 12 Oct 2014 07:08:49 +0000

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