What has this Country turned into? It sure is not the one I grew - TopicsExpress


What has this Country turned into? It sure is not the one I grew up in. Survival Joe | Government Overreach • Police State Woman Gives Birth Naturally at Home, Doctors Seize Baby When They Find Out. 22-year-old Fatima Doumboya and her husband opted to deliver their child naturally at home in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. After a peaceful delivery and several days at home with their child, things spun out of control when Doumboya and her husband decided to take their child in for a check-up. Doumboya wrote that once the doctors discovered they had the baby at home, she and her husband were allegedly treated as if they were “crazy and incompetent fools.” As Police State USA notes: While at St. Joseph’s Hospital ER in Philadelphia, after some brief checks, Doumboya says that doctors rudely told her that her baby would be transferred — without permission — to another hospital. The supposed reasoning was that St. Joseph’s did not have a dedicated pediatric center. The mom says the decision was made behind their backs and an ambulance was already dispatched by the time she was informed. Even though nothing was found wrong with her baby, Doumboya says that rejecting the transfer was not an option. A staff member named Dr. Elisa Evans allegedly “came in the room with a stern look and said, ‘If you refuse to transfer her, we WILL CONTACT DHS AND THE POLICE,’” Doumboya recalled. The mom says that cops appeared and blocked the exit. “The officers stood in front of the emergency room doors — arms crossed and said you cannot leave with your child.” The mistreatment didn’t end there. Both she and her husband were charged $3,320 to have their baby transferred from one hospital to the next, even though the transfer was done without their consent. Then days later officials with child services showed up to their house. The official demanded to be let in, and when the official was asked for a warrant, she replied she didn’t need one. For three days, three different women showed up to the house before Doumboya caved and finally let them in. The women threatened they would come back “every day” and would even come with police if the couple didn’t comply with the visit. After multiple check-ups and a thorough investigation, health officials found nothing wrong with the child. Nonetheless, the molestation continued as they called the parents’ physician to ensure they were taking the baby in for more check-ups. After the horrendous mistreatment, the couple are considering leaving the U.S. for a country that respects parents’ rights. “The mere thought of them taking my child made me vomit and brought chills down my spine,” said Doumboya. Everyday it becomes clearer that the mainstream medical community is being used by the state to drive a wedge between parents and children.
Posted on: Sun, 29 Jun 2014 01:03:17 +0000

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