What is Doomsday? How do people have? What is Doomsday? - TopicsExpress


What is Doomsday? How do people have? What is Doomsday? Doomsday is the day where his creations are all from Adam to the end of the monument and fatigue apparent this land, both of whom died on the bed or died by drowning in the sea or swallowed a snake or Nhishth alive or burned with fire, and the atomic ashes in the air, bring them back which Ogdam out of nowhere and grew their bodies with various blessings) claimed those who disbelieve, that will not send Say Yes and RBI for Tbosn then Tenbin what you would have, and it is easy for Allah () and heard on calls caller from nearby day they hear shouting right that day out (and exclaiming or puff in the Trumpet or pictures these are all names for one thing is that the thing that will hold him king of the so-called Israfil and infuses the puff first because there Nfajtan, puff first and puff second, first puff Allah states, The Day the Trumpet blown in the heavens and the earth, but of God, of which the first exception, there is paradise and there is a fire and there tailbone who created him man dating back a second, there is the Angel of Death, there Israfil, who saw the Prophet peace be upon him, he saw the night of Flowers has made a man and another other catcher trumpet in his hand has bowed constructive mode forehead and eyes to heaven, constructive mode to the throne of God Almighty feared that his eyes overdo it come out by blowing the trumpet of the One Almighty, but this Sayyida Aisha said, O Messenger of Allah Mali little dream I see you do a lot? He said: O Aisha how I sleep and the owner of the pictures may • Do not paired, has introduced a man and another other, has bowed his forehead and eyes constructive mode to the throne of God is waiting for permission from God to blow the trumpet Thus was the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) he wants to us feel that sense, he wants us to live a puff in the trumpet, he wants us to feel the day, it was prayer and peace as he said, Ben-many in his book The Beginning and the End, he said peace be upon him and who sent me the right prophet that the owner of the pictures may • Do not trumpet feared that Close your eyes come out permission to blow the trumpet of God Almighty, and this is the first puff, then come puff Two, and God said) and on the Trumpet Vsak of the heavens and the earth, but from God then breathed into him again if they do look (, Puff II: the die Angel of Death and die Israfil who blow the trumpet, and the standing of God Almighty in his pedestal, stands God Almighty in his pride, stand up and call out I was God, who is no god but I, and I kept God that there is no god but I, where the Kings? Where the people of tyranny? Where is Pharaoh pickets? Where Tgua who Voktheroa in the country where corruption is the voice of the Lord poured on them the torment of the Lord on the lookout for? Where are these people? Then calls the caller before God Almighty O bone necrosis, O Rimam ballet, O meat scattered national to separate the judiciary in the hands of the One Almighty, who shall people for viewing on God Almighty, and the first to bolt his grave, the first coming out of his grave? First goes out to Hashr is street Mullah and shown the solution of privacy PBUH first come out is the Prophet peace be upon him, and an hour to come out of his grave Sharif finds waiting for him more than about seventy thousand angels waiting for him blessings and peace, as narrated by Imam Ahmed Imam Ibn Majah awaited More than seventy thousand angels, all he wants to honor his vision and Atekhal Given attended PBUH The first of goes out to Hashr is peace and blessings Do you know whats demanded of God? not ask for Fatima daughter does not ask about Khadija his wife does not ask about the drain aunt but standing in front of God, weeping and crying and says: Oh God, I do not ask Fatima daughter nor Khadija my wife does not drain my aunt, but I ask my my Lord of the Worlds, O God bless him and bless you O Messenger of Allah, propounds by God Almighty Iamamed: and Ezzati and Jalali to sworn Resurrection between you and me You say my nation and my nation I say Mercy Mercy Me, Oh God, have mercy on us in this day Lord of the Worlds, and if the people start to get out of their graves to face any Aidron to mean no where to move? However, only one is the one who knows his way who told him peace be upon him that the insured if out of his grave was found two kings on the door of his tomb Athbtana and Aamannanh even Adkhalah to the Committee of God Almighty and says peace be upon him and who sent me the right prophet that the insured knew of his whereabouts and his family in paradise than any of you know of his whereabouts and his family in this world, the need and the necessity of Hashr Al-Hashr: Rashed has said the genius, Omar bin al-Khattab may Allah be pleased with him and grant him, not for the Hall of gathering it would have been a non-Metron! He says it not that there Hasher, except that there are sent, except that there is an offer on the Almighty God for was the minimum has become the forest assaults strong where the weak, and takes the unjust ones every Mairead of the oppressed, but Hall Hashr who is making life spared to steal money, who is making life Gown cobbled walks and under his feet, the treasures of Chosroes and Caesar! This sense that there Hasher, this sense that we ask God Almighty that moisturizes him our hearts, this sense of Balhacr because a lot of people now do not feel Balhacr, many people now have made the Hereafter masterminded their ears and under their feet, this faith Balhacr who is making the insurer if offered to him minimum and if he was offered positions, if he was offered prestige, and if he was offered the minimum society kicked his foot, fearing that exposes the front of Allah the Day of Resurrection, this faith Balhacr, it can not be the case on the basis of the world and the only, can not be of this world market ends and ended it, this rational? Is it rational to end up this end of the world has stolen the thief and traitor Khan and looting Pillager and injustice and the unjust usurpation usurper? You could end up once to die and only? Is it possible that there is no Hasher and sent to God Almighty? Some of the oppressors and some criminals Lakelth able to escape from justice, his position was able to escape justice? Throne was able to escape the justice of the earth as it is said in the proverb Haramiha protector This is unjust, this thief, this tyrant, and if this rapist escaped from the punishment of the earth could you get away from the punishment of Allah? You could end with his death and ordered him only? This is not the words of the people of faith only, but I once read in a book for were German poet and philosopher months saying: to be separated from a second of this play, because we see in the world oppressor and oppressed, often vanquished we do not find a remedy, it must be the day that the reliefs, and my brother Afokm if you hit the proverbial even Enkerb this doctrine something in our lives, if entered see a movie, to be the end of this film, then the author came and cut the middle of the film, will speak her watch and says: Where is the end of the movie? What happened to the heroes of this film? You are waiting for the author lists the accounts that you are waiting for the heroes of the author that improves the finale, you have to wait for the conclusion of the good people and the people of the finales wrong, if this workbook in the case of humans, how much prep powers and the Almighty? Must permission from Hasher, to be presented to God Almighty and then O you brothers what recipe Land resurrection? recipe of gathering: the Prophet peace be upon him asked about the land of the resurrection: O Messenger of Allah, tell us about the land of the resurrection, he said: Its as silver melted, pure white did not which never committed a sin and ask you about the mountains, tell torpedo RBI blown Ivrha bottom Cefcefa do not see where the crooked and not curved wilt thou where there is no bump and where there are no depressions, this land will be cornered by the people, and Americanized French and Italian and Arab and good and bad and corrupt Rashed and will Ihchroa also said all blessings and peace, people will be gathered barefoot, naked, uncircumcised and any non-circumcised uncircumcised said Aaishah: Wha Sutah of the Day of Resurrection, O Messenger of God and look to each other? (Ie, men look at women?) Said blessings and peace: its greater than that O Aisha Every busy himself, it was said, O Messenger of God and what his job? He said: Each person would hardly need them that day, every man in the case of each man will consider whether it is from the people of deliverance or destruction of the people? We ask Allah to save us in this day, in this day cram all people even poke monsters as Allah the Almighty: And if the monsters crammed Why? Because maybe some of these monsters have rights on the sons of Adam, as the Prophet, peace be upon him: tortured woman in the fire because of a cat locked she did not feed and Sagtha and do is let it eat from the vermin of the earth even came from infallible blessings and peace be monsters Menksh to poke their heads timid (then shamelessly from the Almighty) God gets angry because in this day very great anger and then prostrate prostration long said to her, bowed to what? Why bowed O monsters? Says: worshiped that God did not Ikhalguena of the sons of Adam, and it made us among viewers on the scandal of the sons of Adam, we ask God to Istrna On this day, this image of the land of the resurrection. what the people in the pictures Hashr? we want to present to you the people in the pictures as Hashr Muhammadiyah taken with the camera on its owner the best prayer and salute did want to know what our image we Doomsday? We want to know where we will be on the day of resurrection? Says blessings and peace, people will be gathered on the Day of Resurrection three classes: Class Rkpana (comes passengers and those who have taken up their religion and they carried the certainty of those people who tried to bother themselves to the religion of Allah the Almighty, who rode on the trouble in order to come to the house of God Almighty) even told him blessings and peace: when cornered believer finds tell him (a person standing in front of him in the form of light) Erkpna O Abdullah says: Hallelujah How Ercabac?! say to him: I am your good for as long as your knee in the world Ann Tercbna you that in this day, says the blessings and peace: Verb to do good does not end even put him in his place in heaven, God, make us of them, O Lord of the Worlds cornered people three varieties Rakban class and class pedestrian (and who confused a good work and last bad) and then class crammed on their stomachs told O Messenger of Allah, how they walk on their stomachs? He said the prayer and peace: that which Omshahm on their legs unable to Emcém on their stomachs and who walks on his stomach is that he lived to his stomach and by who was not indifferent to the decoration of his house, and if the blood of the nation of Muhammad, who was not indifferent to the construction of his glory, and if on the ruins nation of Muhammad, who was short-sighted and does not look only to his stomach does not look only to this world, this doomsday cornered on his stomach and then to see another picture displays you infallible blessings and peace be upon him and says peace with Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim people cornered Day Judgment on three modalities willing and monks and two on camel and three on camel and then harvested the rest of them shot spend the night with them wherever Batwa and dismiss them wherever they said, and branded them wherever, becoming There are people doomsday come and with them the fire, the fire will stay overnight with them and branded them because they were in the world and We seek refuge in Allah fire if they entered the house of God turned him into the fire, if you lived in the land where they lived corrupt and then I look at this third picture, which Iksa we also have our Prophet (pbuh) said: cornered everyone doomsday on what he died, it died reads Koran sent doomsday read the Koran and died and is mentioned God Hasher and is mentioned God Almighty and the one who died and is forbidden also said blessings and peace: Matt taboo Hasher doomsday responsive says Beck O Beck, Beck is not a partner for you to pick , Nhacarham and the Day of Resurrection on their faces, blind and dumb and deaf abode is hell whenever faded Zdnahm Blaze was said, O Messenger of God: who cornered blind? He said that this neighbor in its provisions and spending, O Messenger of God, who cornered deaf mute? He said: These are eaters of usury, so he (pbuh) and said: cornered people on the Day of Resurrection like an ant powdering Ttohm people with their feet to Hoanam the creation of God Almighty said: O Messenger of God: Who are these? Said: These are arrogant, those who The swell their paws from frequent applause for them in this world, those coming Day of Judgment that wronged the Astbdoa comes their doomsday under the soles of people on respect of the oppressed Balzalm and say: Lord, show us who Odilana of the jinn and mankind make Them beneath our feet to be of Alosfielan, this Doomsday is and this is the necessity of Doomsday and this is the image of Doomsday and this is how the land of the resurrection. what, who save us from this day? ) O people, fear your Lord, that time is great earthquake (and fraternity brother, O God of our brothers in Pakistan what happened to the Pakistan earthquake, swear by Almighty God that his brothers wife was a wash went out and then the toddler in the house when he felt the quake came out as it is and bore her son in the hands of the intensity of fear when he went out to the outside of the house looked if she has carried her shoe and left her child in the infant of intensity Sphinx! This earthquake simple) O people, fear your Lord, that the earthquake watch is great amazed every day you see what nursing mothers breastfed and put all carry the same load and see people drunk and Mahm Biskary but the torment of Allah is severe (we have to save us from this Nnzermalve Hashr? What we trivialize this today? We ask Allah to Ehunh us, but .. What we are pleased on this day? What Angehna in this test? The difference is too big between exams minimum and exams Hereafter, exams minimum can have an extension or the role of the second and could deposition and compensate the public in another year, but exam afterlife to an annex in it, in compensation in it, there on the so-called Doomsday will be tested in which all people Arabhm and Agamhm , Osadeh and Owhithm, will sue to separate the judiciary in the hands of God Almighty, you planted? Reaping understand, you understand men gather planted? Or see them wasted and wasted? This is the day we have to ask the man whats Engjina from the horrors of Hashr? And hear the answer of the infallible Muhammad (PBUH) says, people will be gathered the Day of Resurrection I am hungry Makanwa never, Ozmo Makanwa never, Oary Makanwa never, focused Makanwa never, it is fed to God fed God on that day, and watered God gave him to drink God on that day, and drape God decorated God on that day, and the work of the religion of God rested on that day, says peace be upon him of feed granted to the top of sweetness tempered upon him the bitterness of Judgment Day of Resurrection Valhacr him bitter and has difficulty say peace be upon him to drape a Muslim or Feed it to God or gave him to drink to God, but it really was a God that will come from Doomsday this escape from Hashr and fear the horrors, brothers talked today about Hashr, about the need Hashr, image-Hashr, about the horrors of the Day of Judgement for the image of people in the resurrection, for land resurrection, for Almnjiat from the horrors of this day, these questions six were got engaged today, O Muslims: righteousness does not wear and guilt unforgettable and Diana did not die, I do Macit also condemns condemned or as the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him, claimed God and you are certain of a response
Posted on: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 23:38:20 +0000

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