What is Sweat? To put it clearly and succinctly, sweat is our - TopicsExpress


What is Sweat? To put it clearly and succinctly, sweat is our body’s way of cooling us down. It is a clear, odorless liquid substance that can cause many people great distress. Sweat, or perspiration as it also known, is also one method that your body utilizes to excrete waste matter. However, since it only does this in small amounts, the sweat glands are really used as an air conditioning system for the body. This is why we have about three million sweat glands spread out all over our body. These are distributed in such a way that when your brain gets the signal that you’re too hot, it sends a signal back telling your sweat glands to get to work! So immediately you start to perspire and depending on where you are, the outside conditions around you, and what you’re doing, you will either get a very light sheen of sweat over your body, or you will begin to perspire heavily. You will also perspire heavily and for no necessarily apparent reason if you have hyperhidrosis. If you want more information about it I have gone into this in the section entitled “Excessive Sweating (Hyperhidrosis)”. Basically though, excessive sweating or hyperhidrosis is when a person sweats excessively in all manner of conditions, and even when there is no reason for it. Sometimes hyperhidrosis can be a genetic trait, but sometimes you will find that a person who suffers from a sudden onset of hyperhidrosis, or even someone who has been living with it all their lives, has an underlying medical condition which prompts their body to sweat unconditionally. The same as with normal sweating, if there is a foul, or offensive stench associated with the perspiration, there is most likely a medical issue that you will need to deal with, and the first step in doing this is to go see your doctor. If you don’t suffer from excessive perspiration, but feel embarrassed by your sweat, and want to find a way to deal with it, you should be aware that there are a number of options open to you, the simplest of which is using the readily available plethora of deodorants and antiperspirants. If however, and since you’re reading this book, you want to a find a way out of your perspiration dilemma without having to resort to the use of such things as commercial deodorants and antiperspirants, you still have a number of options open to you, but you might have to work harder at it! The effort, I can tell you now, is well worth it though. And the very act of breaking away from mass marketed, and chemical laden, deodorants and antiperspirants is something of a relief in and of itself. I’m a person who prefers organic foods over non-organic foods, and who prefers to go that extra mile to get the good stuff. I wasn‘t always like this, there were many years in my life where I didn’t really care what I put into my body, what I put on my body, and what the effects of all of these were. I’ve changed now, and this is reflected in my choice of perspiration fighting agents as well. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not a fanatic who thrives only on organic foods and who cringes at the thought of using any of the mass produced items that makes our lives so much easier. Sure I’ve changed my dietary habits and my personal hygiene routine, but I definitely don’t mind having a grease laden hamburger once in a while, and I definitely go after some of those ballpark hotdogs without thinking twice about it. But my deodorants stay all natural. I have to admit that many times I was tempted to give up my quest to find natural deodorant products. It was especially difficult when I had to go to public functions where having a strong odor about one’s self that wasn’t from the bottle of a well known designer brand, was something of a liability. So I won’t tell you that it’s going to be easy. But one thing that I can tell you has a connection to what I told you earlier in this section about perspiration. I said that it was essentially odorless, so that although you sweat, you won’t emit a strong scent until a little time goes by when bacteria has time to act on it. This means that for most things if you follow a simple hygiene routine of cleansing, you won’t have to worry about odor. The best routine that you can follow? • Shower at least twice a day. • Use a deodorizing or antibacterial soap. • Wear newly washed underwear and clothes. • Regularly wash your clothes and underwear. • Keep excess hair trimmed or shaved under your arms where sweating excessively is a problem. • Whenever possible either use a blow dryer to thoroughly dry out problem areas, or if you have the time allow yourself to dry out under a fan (this works!). • Use a natural deodorant, or your own personal fragrance, or deodorizer • Stay relaxed as much as possible. Stress can trigger an attack of intense sweating. For more information on keeping good hygiene, de-stressing yourself, and natural deodorants, go to the section on “Dealing with sweat naturally”. StopSweating.CureMyCondition
Posted on: Tue, 08 Jul 2014 09:03:59 +0000

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