What is UN and what is International Community??? This is just - TopicsExpress


What is UN and what is International Community??? This is just Bullshit. Gaza has again brought this truth to the fore that there is nothing like international community and international consensus. In our so-called globalized world, if there is anything global it is respective interests of countries and nations, with economic interests at the top. Gaza has assumed the shape of an acid test on which humanity has failed umpteen times. As the region stands on a powder keg, the UN, claiming to represent the world, pretends to be doing everything while doing nothing. Listening to the debate in the UN on Gaza sounds so interesting in terms of divergences, not just in perspectives but in terminology also. While the Palestinian representative talked of the suffering of his people and the death and destruction in Gaza by the continuous bombardment of the Israeli government, the Israeli representative in his presentation was hell-bent on linking the democratically-elected government of Hamas to Boko Haram, ISIS and other such organisations which again are reactions to the local geo-political situations in their respective countries. Rest of the representatives listened to both the delegates, agreed to them while standing apart and slightly tilted either way. That is how the world body reacts to situations of grave human concern. The United Nations which was a unique idea conceived by visionary leaders in their respective fields like Albert Einstein, who himself was a Jew but was critical of Israeli policies, has miserably failed in its commitment to stand for humanity. It was not supposed to stay neutral. It was required to intervene wherever required for the sake of humanity. But how can it operate when there is strong disagreement even on the definition of the basic term like humanity. Because for the West, Israel is an outpost of the civilized world that contains ‘those uncivilized brutes called Muslims who the less they are the better’. Let’s stop believing in those conspiracy theories rife among Muslims that Israel runs the USA. In fact, it is the contrary. Israel is the shoes the USA has put on to trample upon Palestinians and, by extension, all Arabs. Israel is a colonial creation as much as the creation of the nation states in the South Asia and Middle East which are nowadays crumbling under the weight of unnatural tensions created by those divisions. Those divisions were created to safeguard the future interests of the erstwhile colonizers. The age of decolonization will remain incomplete until the Palestinians remain in exile. Only their dignified return to their homeland, safe from the Zionist terror, will declare the end of the colonization. The suffering of the Gazans has got buried under rhetoric. Rhetoric of the UNO, the West and the US. Words have a great healing power but even the way the world powers choose their vocabulary can be easily described as the worst form of hypocrisy for want of a nastier word. Gazans are fighting for their survival and the UN says that hostilities must end. The question is not to ask the concerned parties to end hostilities. Asking warring parties to end their hostilities is talking of idealism. The immediate priority should have been to end deaths. And all of us know how do they end. They end by stopping bombardment or by making it stop through holding those back who bombard. Instead of that, the UNO is engaged in an idiotic jugglery of words to please all and displease none. That is not what UNO was conceived for. That is not What UNO should be doing. That is not what UNO is looked for. United Nations now stands for Divided Nations United at one place. It’s headquarter in the US stands like the Babel of Tower under whose foundations human values have been buried long ago. If there ever were a discussion in the UNO on the definition of humanity, realistically speaking, there would be as many definitions as the number of countries, with USA finally prevailing with its definitions that only those deserve to be called as human beings who live in the US, have their roots in Europe and wear white skin. The rest are brutes, uncivilized lot who need to be converted and made to conform to its straitjacketed definition, or be annihilated. Gaza has laid bare the vertical divide that exists between ‘humanities’ as there is no single humanity. I thank Gaza and the Gazans for making me stand on their side of humanity.
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 15:33:03 +0000

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