What is blind love? Blind love is a term you may or may not - TopicsExpress


What is blind love? Blind love is a term you may or may not have heard, and may or may not know or understand the meaning of. Whatever the case may be, I’ve decided to take some time to shed some light on the subject. Attraction to someone usually occurs out of nowhere for no rhyme or reason. You happen to encounter someone who catches your eye and you’re captivated. You instantly want to know more about him or her and dream of spending time with him or her. You may be bold and go right up to that person and introduce yourself and talk to them and you may be more of the shy variety where you look in their direction and just hope for a glance in your direction or just dream that this person may someday pay you some attention. Attraction, is often confused with love. We like the way someone looks, how someone talks, what someone does, etc. and instantly believe we’re in love with them. However, unfortunately, love isn’t so simple. Real love involves knowing a person for who they are, both for the characteristics that they possess that you desire and the characteristics they display that you don’t particular care for. Love is about acceptance and understanding and being their emotionally and mentally for another person, oftentimes putting ourself and our interests aside and being willing to compromise to make decisions based on the interests of both yourself and the one you love. Real love is not easy and takes time to develop, it is not instantaneous as attraction is. Blind love is vastly different from real love. While real love is accepting, blind love is blocking out that about the one we “believe” we are in love with that we don’t particularly like and living in a fantasy world. We only focus on what we like and do everything we can to keep the object of our desire happy. In blind love, one partner usually revolves his or her life completely around another person without expecting or receiving any of the same in return from the other partner. The obsessed partner or the partner who is blindly in love, does not want to know anything negative about his or her partner and wishes to hide away anything about the person that may not be so desirable. They are convinced that this is the only man or woman for them and that they can make this love happen all on their own by putting their partner on a pedestal and themselves in the on-deck circle permanently. Hurt and pain generally is the eventual result of a relationship based on blind love. In many cases the partner who is being treated by a king or queen gets bored with the relationship and moves on as he or she does not love his or her prtner as much as his or her partner thinks he or she loves him or her. If that doesn’t happen, it’s common that the partner who is blindly in love will be treated poorly by his or her partner and will eventually either believe that he or she has to just put up with it or realize that the relationship just isn’t worth it. Blind love is as easily developed as attraction, varies vastly from real love, and can have very undesirable consequences. it’s important to analyze our attraction to others and our relationships to assure that the love we feel is not blind and realize that real love takes time and the continued efforts of both partners, not just one.
Posted on: Tue, 29 Oct 2013 08:34:55 +0000

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