What is conversion disorder or hysteria ? Hysteria Older - TopicsExpress


What is conversion disorder or hysteria ? Hysteria Older conversion disorder that hysteria was called , is a relatively common psychiatric disorder that is a reflection of unconscious conflicts , while the other brings to mind a medical disorder , is caused by psychological factors . About a third of people in a lifetime experience some symptoms of the disorder are not necessarily hysterical patient . At least twice and sometimes up to 10 times more women as men are infected and show symptoms, which left more than the right side of the body. This disorder can be seen in all ages , ie from childhood to old age , but onset before age 10 and after age 35 is rare . It also interfere with low education and low economic classes and rural and military personnel who have experienced combat situations is more common . The disease is more common in family members of patients , partly because children learn from parents. Physical disorders , especially neurological diseases spread considerably among patients and among psychiatric disorders , depression and anxiety disorders , are associated with conversion disorder in women . Personality disorders are also frequently observed with conversion disorder , personality disorders , especially antisocial personality disorder in men and women display . Cause Rejection of unconscious conflicts conversion disorder and anxiety into a physical symptom caused. Symptoms of the disorder, enabling patients to suggest to others that need special attention and treatment he is particularly well or play an instrument to control others is nonverbal . With brain imaging , has been found in patients with dominant hemisphere metabolism , decreased metabolism and non- dominant hemisphere , increases. The disorder is diagnosed when the therapist , essential connection between psychological factors can cause neurological symptoms and signs are not the result of a fictitious disorder or malingering (in which the symptoms of a disease with a clear conscience mimics ) the given . Symptoms In conversion disorder , numbness and tingling in the extremities, deafness, blindness , paralysis, and general body seen pipe down . Motor symptoms include abnormal movements , abnormal gait , general weakness , paralysis , tremors , tics and movement is thrown . Pseudo seizures and other symptoms of conversion disorder is sometimes hard to separate them from true seizures . Symptoms lasting a short time and usually resolve on their own . Treatment Psychotherapy Supportive psychotherapy may facilitate treatment . The most important feature of the treatment , the therapist interacting with a patient. The patient should be told that you have no problems or symptoms are imaginary because the disease is more severe . Can benzodiazepines and relaxation ( relaxation ) can be used . Mass hysteria One of the most interesting forms of hysteria , mass hysteria . In fact, they suddenly believe they are sick with a foreign agent . The first reported case of mass hysteria in a girls school in the province in 1365 was such that people were suffering from acute anxiety and concern . In 1371 and after a tetanus shot in 21 female students a sampling of mass hysteria in a village of the province were reported. Symptoms include fainting and seizures after vaccination , false , tremor , blurred vision , headache , sweating , tingling hands of the students came in , followed by nine other students also experienced the same symptoms . Treatment of this disorder is: keep cool and calm , apart from patients without neoplastic , unload location for scrutiny. For example, shutting down schools, close examination of all possible causes , enjoying and anxiety reduction techniques ....
Posted on: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 21:58:48 +0000

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