What is hacking? Well, whatishacking.org defines it as the - TopicsExpress


What is hacking? Well, whatishacking.org defines it as the practice of modifying the features of a system, in order to accomplish a goal outside of the creators original purpose. The person who is consistently engaging in hacking activities, and has accepted hacking as a lifestyle and philosophy of their choice, is called a hacker. Computer hacking is the most popular form of hacking nowadays, especially in the field of computer security, but hacking exists in many other forms, such as phone hacking, brain hacking, etc. and its not limited to either of them. - Taken from whatishacking.org Thats a great definition but in my opinion hacking is much more than that. In my opinion, hacking isnt something you can just learn. Its not just a skill, its an art. Hacking requires knowledge. Knowledge is power. In order to gain said knowledge, and the power that comes with it, a change of lifestyle is required, along with a certain amount of secrecy. Learning how to hack takes time and dedication. Theres no easy way to get better at it. Thats right, no shortcuts and its unlikely youre going to get a helping hand. Like everything else in life, it takes practice. Dont go crying to others if it doesnt work out, just keep calm and carry on. If you are serious about becoming a hacker, you will need to be willing to change your lifestyle, and dedicate yourself to the task. With enough dedication and hard work you will excel at hacking. Choosing your path Ask any stranger what a hacker is, they will probably give you a really negative answer; identity theft, hacking accounts, stealing, to name a few. The reality is actually quite different. There are a few kinds of hackers, you probably only know about the bad ones. This section should give you a better understanding of the different kinds of hackers, and help you decide which kind you should become. Black hat hackers: These are the bad guys you always hear about. These are the people giving other hackers a bad name. Black hat hackers are the ones who commit crime. They steal identities, hack accounts, ddos sites and just go about causing havoc. Grey hat hackers: Grey hats are basically good guys. They still do illegal stuff, but they report it to the person/company they are targeting. So... Basically they do bad stuff and help people to fix it. White hat hackers: White hat hackers are the good guys. They fix stuff and help people. They dont do illegal stuff. Youve probably never heard of an event where a hacker does something good but these guys do that all the time. Examples of white hat hackers are: • Technicians • Cyber security teams • IT consultants Now that you have a better understanding of the types of hackers, you need to choose your path. This requires a lot of thinking, because you need to consider the possibilities of each path. Black hat is the easiest path to choose. Its fun and it has the most benefits. It also is the only one that will get you in trouble and maybe even arrested. Grey hat is a slightly more difficult path. You (technically) are a good guy but most people wont see you as such. Grey hats have a hard time because although they are trying to help, the method they are using isnt really that legal. If you do choose to be a Grey hat, be aware that some people wont believe you are really trying to help, and you may still get in trouble. The last and most difficult path is White hat. As I mentioned before, White hats are the good guys. Their job is to help. Becoming a White hat may seem boring but you are helping people, and that should be a reward in itself. The only problem with becoming a What hat is that you will have to start out as a Black hat. I personally would recommend that you start out as a Grey hat. Youll get more out of it. Basic terminology As I mentioned in the previous section, it is important to have a decent amount of knowledge about hacking before you can start. So Ive taken the liberty of typing up a list of common terminologies you should know. Common terminologies: Ddos - Distributed denial of service attack. This is where a website is flooded with packets of data from multiple sources and the server basically overloads. Ddos attacks are often confused with Dos attacks. Dos - Denial of service attack. This is where a site is flooded with packets of data from a single source. A Dos isnt as effective as a ddos, but it is a lot easier, as you can Dos straight from cmd. 404 Error - The error you are given when a site is down. If you have attacked a site and dont see this, your attack wasnt successful. cmd - Command prompt. This is basically MS- Dos, except its now just a program with some commands rather than an OS. Cmd can be used to perform tasks using commands. .bat - Batch file extension. This is the file type which is opened in cmd. Most .bats that you will see online will be malicious. Some are good though. RAT - Remote Administration Tool. RATs are the most commonly used tools by beginner hackers. RATs are favored because they are easy to use and they perform many functions. They also allow control over of the infected computer, which makes them very popular. Slave - A user which has been infected with your keylogger/ RAT. Keylogger - A program which logs the keystrokes of a computer. These are usually the first things that beginner hackers learn to use. They have a lot of functions but they arent as good as RATs. Crypter - A program used to change the hash sum of a malicious program so that it is undetectable by anti-virus programs. FUD - Fully UnDetectable. A program which is FUD cannot be detected by ANY anti-virus program. UD - UnDetectable. A program which is UD is mostly undetectable but can be detected by some anti-virus programs. JDB - Java Driveby. A fake site which contains a java applet. This java applet is used to download and execute (run) a certain program. The victim as to click the allow plugin to run button to start the applet. Silent Java Driveby - A java driveby thats downloads and executes a file without the user seeing any pop-ups. These are more effective than normal java drivebys as they are less suspicious. Direct link - The direct download link to a certain file. When you download a file from a site (e.g. Mediafire), you are given a download link which redirects you to a page with a download button. However a direct link is a link which leads directly to the file. There is no download button, the download starts straight away. FTP - File Transfer Protocol. An FTP server is a server used to store and send files. OS - Operating system vb - Microsoft Visual Basic. This is a coding language used to make a lot of programs. .NET - Microsoft .NET framework. This is another coding language made by Microsoft. It is used to create programs. C/C+/C++/C# - Commonly use coding languages. They are often used to code games. IP address - The address used to identify your network while on the Internet. Every computer has a different IP address, and therefore every IP address is unique. VPN - Virtual Private Network. This is a network you can connect to on a computer. It will give you anonymity while online. A VPN will hide your IP address by tricking sites and programs into thinking you are somewhere you are not. Proxy - A proxy redirects web traffic through a virtual tunnel to another IP address. A proxy is like a VPN but only tricks websites, not the whole computer. That may seem like a lot of things to remember, but its not that much considering those are just the basics. Dont let that put you off learning though, once you start to learn one thing, another will follow and so on so forth.
Posted on: Sun, 08 Jun 2014 02:29:18 +0000

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