What is on my mind is that Cancer is some bulls***. My friend died - TopicsExpress


What is on my mind is that Cancer is some bulls***. My friend died last night....Im so sad and in disbelief. But she is no longer suffering. Just a few short weeks ago I got to sit at a treatment with her. We laughed and talked about everything. From the chick fila business meeting we had coming up, how homeownership is not the American Dream even tho she was my real estate agent, life insurance, credit, where we wanted to move to sit on the beach, student loans and how to not pay them back, men, business, and just life period. We got fat together form all the extra food I used to order for free at work, I got to say the toast at her wedding, I introduced her to my friends because she was new to St. Louis. I got her to move to Ucity! We encouraged each other. We got all of our degrees together. She would say you are the smartest person I know besides me . I can ask you about anything and if you didnt know you would find out. Im going to miss my friend, N Dai Mccoy-Clayton ...You can rest now.
Posted on: Wed, 14 Jan 2015 02:17:37 +0000

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