What is the Royal law? In the Epistle or Letter of James in - TopicsExpress


What is the Royal law? In the Epistle or Letter of James in the 2nd chapter verse 8, it reads, (Message bible), If you really keep the royal law found in scripture, Love your neighbor as yourself, you are doing right. Please Note that this is a Royal Law, found in Royalty, we all should associate royalty within a Kingdom or associated with a King or Queen. The Kingdom of God or Government of heaven has a King, named Jesus the Christ. Within His Kingdom is found the royal law of loving your neighbor as yourself! We shouldnt expect the World to live up to this standard of measure but sadly, some within the world put some believers to shame when it comes to the principle of love. So James 2:9 now instructs us that if we are showing favoritism, especially within the body of Christ, then we are committing sin and are guilty of being lawbreakers. Its interesting that Jesus said in the last days, the Love of Many would become cold, (WHY)? Due to law-breakers or the increase of lawlessness. He also said, Many will fall away from the faith, their hearts becoming harden, loving the World and being actually hostile towards God, making themselves an enemy of God. ( See James 4:4). So when we think about loving our neighbors as ourselves, shouldnt that start within the Home (both Natural & Spiritual)? How are we treating our brethren? Do we act loving and sweet to them until we have a disagreement or different view of thought or opinion? Do we instantly turn cold towards them and are quick to remove them out of our lives, ( claiming God removed them), because we cannot be seasoned with salt or willing to be the peace-makers? Have we been trained to give an answer softly or mild but still speaking the truth in Love? Or are we puffed up, prideful, arrogant, vain in thinking were all that, we dont need them, we have God? Are we looking at their behavior with distain or disgust forgetting that all our works are unclean before Almighty God and if not for His grace, where would any of us be? We need to go and repent, forsake, renounce, develop a broken contrite spirit, humbling ourselves before Gods Mighty Hand asking forgiveness, are we long-suffering a fruit of the Holy Spirit or are we quick on edge, sons of thunder? Ready to call down lighting upon our offender or brethren, Jesus commanded us to extend Mercy to one another with bowels of compassion, how many are practicing this, let us not grieve the Holy Spirit by practicing evil before the Holy Spirit who is in the earth realm watching also while the angelic host are recording data and writing it down for the day of judgement. By your/our words we are either justified or condemned. An answer when mild turns away rage or wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger. ( New American Standard Version). Proverbs 15:1 He who is slow to anger has great understanding, But He/She who is quick-tempered exalts folly. (Proverbs 14:29). So let us on a daily basis be mindful of the Royal Law for we are royal sons of the King, we are royalty, our words, thoughts, habits, dress code, walk, talk should reflect royalty at all times. Kings only act a certain kind of way, trained from childhood for nobility! Lastly we are never to give anyone a piece of our mind, for we ONLY should operate in the mind of Christ. In my next post we will talk more about this! In the Service of the King Ambassador Paul Potter Apostle of Love & Unity
Posted on: Mon, 30 Jun 2014 01:01:58 +0000

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