What is the motivational power behind your spirituality? Is It - TopicsExpress


What is the motivational power behind your spirituality? Is It “Interest” or is it “Thirst & Hunger”? Test the reason why you want to live a so called “Christian life”. I see many people are seeking something from the lord, rather than seeking the Lord Himself.It is because they have been habited or trained or taught as that is the life of spirituality. People are reading bible, for long hours, without getting one drop of tears or even one heartbroken experience or not even a very little sentiment experience.And they are satisfied by how they are reading and how long time they are reading. Is it what the satisfaction, you are experiencing in your bible study.Then, now is the time for you to change your attitude for the reading the bible. To explain, in simple words, they are reading the bible, for their interest to know the new things, not to know the saviour and to dwell in His Love. Now you may say to me, O brother, I read my bible very seriously, I pray very seriously and I listen to sermons very very seriously, how you can tell that we are not right? Yes brother, you can have interest, seriousness, but can you assure your desire for God is like the love mentioned in the book of Songs of Solomon 8:6 “For love is as strong as death, Jealousy as cruel as the grave; its flames are flames of fire, a most vehement flame.” If not, then what you are having is counterfeit spirituality, it looks like real, but it is not, it will deceive you and will eat your love for God. God’s Love also has interest and seriousness, but it has these because of the innermost hunger and thirst for God and His love. Also I see, So called believers and Christians in this modern days are listening to the various sermons and even quoting it, also they are searching for more and more, not because they find the fire of God in the preacher’s spirit, that is in the John the Baptist preaching, Jesus preaching and all the apostles preaching, but they got a preacher/pastor who can tickle them with his stupid Jokes, and study bible information and serious face. If the church keeps on live in this fake spirituality, then the church will never get even the taste of the fire of God, and church will be the only biggest stumbling block for the transformation of the dying world. Why my people have been lost in the modern spirituality (devil’s doctrine) (based on Interest, seriousness and resulting activities only)? The bible never teaches us “Interested people will be satisfied or serious people will be rewarded,” But it teaches us “Blessed are those who are hunger and thirst in their spirit, for they will be satisfied”. “And those who are faithful will be rewarded.” And about this lost so called spiritual church, even apostle Paul has warned in his letter to Timothy in 2 timothy 4:3 “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers;” Brother and sister test yourself, are you going to church with your own pleasing hearts. Are you also one among the crowd with only interest and seriousness and self-satisfied activities as a result of it? Then go to your prayer closet today, confess before the lord, about your wandering from Him and seek His love to be flowed from your spirit and to be increased in thirst and hunger for Him. When you go to Him wholeheartedly to be reunited in the loving fellowship with the Spirit of God and God will put Fervent longing heart for His Love and zeal in you. Then you, your church and your land will be ready for the Pentecostal revival, that happened on the day of Pentecost in the apostle’s time in Jerusalem And God will fulfil the promise in the book of Joel 2:28 of pouring out His Spirit in your church. -Jones. I SoulTurn Ministries
Posted on: Thu, 31 Oct 2013 06:46:57 +0000

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