What is this increase violence that is forcing the hands of law - TopicsExpress


What is this increase violence that is forcing the hands of law enforcement to build tactical response teams designed with military doctrine? Are they competent enough and restrained enough to use such equipment in the manner they were designed for? If they feel that Veterans are becoming such a threat, why not develop a dialogue with them, there is an obvious disrespect for Veterans, and it had to originate from somewhere, and in the majority of mass shootings, the majority came from the public citizen. Yes, there were those incidents that happened on Fort Hood, which was deemed, work place violence by Obama, so what’s the need for a tactical response? The Naval Yard in D.C., is that what driving these concerns? Was the rancher in Nevada ex-military? What about the Boston Bomber, were they ex-military, Virginia Tech, Sandy Hook, etc… “The weaponry is totally different now that it was in the beginning of my career, plus, you have a lot of people who are coming out of the military that have the ability and knowledge to build IEDs and to defeat law enforcement techniques.” This mentality, if our own law enforcement cannot trust Veterans, Something is seriously wrong with this country. When did it change, where did this hysteria begin in labeling our Veterans as potential terrorist? Is it because, we have a man that has become president who has turned his back on the very foundation that makes this country so great? Today political infrastructure has become so flawed and inept, that our countrymen, have allowed outside influences dictate what values we can choose and emulate. We are starting to see the mainstream media influence this divide between the government and the people. We find cities labeling the colors offensive to fly. We have coalitions of organizations that refuse to respect the beliefs of all individuals. Now our law enforcement, which I have GREAT RESPECT for, are being instructed to prepare for the potential domestic terrorist within the Veteran of the Iraq and Afghanistan War. Yes, we do have Veterans that are mentality ill, but why not fix the agencies, such as the Veterans Affairs, to allow proper treatment of our Veterans. Instead, we demand our enforcement agencies to prepare for war.
Posted on: Sat, 17 May 2014 15:14:32 +0000

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