What made the Successes The world where - TopicsExpress


What made the Successes The world where we stay are composed of Colorful Humanity .But Those of the colorful Humankind are different from each other by anyhow ,somehow.For instance some of the reasons that is living condition,living standard ,knowledge ,liberal schooling ,education background ,prosperity ,property ,fortune ,way of the thinking ,way of the staying in life and food for thought ,mental Temperament ,turn of mind in terms of the like always have made all the colorful human kind never same each other .But to my astounded ,we also differ from each other in the condition of winning and failing .Apart from this we can classified all the Creature into two parts such as WINNER and FAILURE .Even though THERE IS NO PEOPLE WHO ARE NEVER KEEN TO BE DESERVED WITH ALL THE VICTORY IN LIFE, but Victory is not for all the creature in our society .What it means is that the number of the victor is lower than the number of the failure in fact .Those of the reasons reveals or bespeak that victory is not common used .It is merely for the some qualified people or competent earth stayer . Moreover we all human being are also different from each other in some reasons that is mind we have or posses .In generally there are two sorts of the mind we posses such as strong mind and weak mind ,mature mind and unmature mind , mighty mind and powerless mind.The messages that i want you to know from my ideology is the the victory we want is depends on the state of our mind.Mostly a person who is the holder of the unmature mind is hard to be deserved with all the rewards ,needed guaranty of the life ,glory in terns of achievement . Because our victory or winning stats we always expected is based on the mind we practice .As the strong minded is the cause of the accomplishment ,similarly weak mind is the cause of the DOWN FALL of our life . First that for the question that we do need to contemplate is WHERE DOES OUR VICTORY EXIT ? According to the way of the world ,the law of the nature ,THE VICTORY WE LONG FOR ALWAYS EXIT AT THE END OF ALL THE PROBLEM ,TROUBLE ,ACID TEST PERIOD , BITTER CHALLENGES .It MEANS THAT THE END OF ALL THE PROBLEM IS THE BEGINS OF OUR VICTORY .THE END OF OUR SADNESS IS THE BEGINS OF OUR HAPPINESS AND AMUSEMENT IN MY POINT OF VIEW FROM MY ASPECT AND ANGLE . That is why ,we do need to undergo or face all the problem up to the end .Moreover we do need to struggle with all the Challenges up to the end .Because the end of the difficult that we face is the begin of the what we wanted .What we all want shall exit at the end of all the trouble of the life .Consequently ,dont give up ,abandon,quit your dreams .Please TAKE HEART and KEEP ON GOING UP TO THE END .NEVER GO BACK ,STAND BACK ,KEEP ON GOING TO THE FORWARD UNTIL THE END . IF SO YOU ARE NO LONGER MISSED WITH ALL THE CHANCES YOU WANT IN LIFE .Moreover the strong mind you practice will make you keep on going up to the end in my perspective . BURNING DESIRE AND FERVENT DESIRE AND INDEFATIGABLE MIND YOU PERMIT TO TAKE ROOT IN YOUR HEART SHALL BRING ALL THE DESTINATION YOU WANT TO GO FOR YOU . THANK YOU IN INFINITY NUMBER FOR YOUR PRECIOUS TIME.
Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 15:14:51 +0000

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