What role does public land play in the ecology, well being, - TopicsExpress


What role does public land play in the ecology, well being, identity and economy of our state? Thad Box in The Salt Lake Tribune writes: Three fourths (75.2 percent) of Utah is public land, owned by we the people of the United States. Our land provides us water, wildlife, forage, timber, recreation opportunities and open space. All Americans pay taxes toward management of land that provides income, amenities and a lifestyle for those of us who are fortunate enough to live in western public land states. Our tourism and outdoor recreation industry is predicated on it. So why does Congressman Bishop want to take control of these lands away from the American people? As he is tipped to be the next head of the Natural Resources Committee, he has one clear defined goal. To deliver Utah land for the use of special interests, the very same ones who are his campaign financers and backers. Actions speak louder than words. Although Bishop is sugar-coating this land grab for private interests in his use of federalist rhetoric - posturing state vs. federal opposition - he is really dividing and conquering. In a nutshell, he wants to privatize public lands and lease them to industry but, first, he must mobilize public support to take the power and control of public lands away from the American people. Thad Box, an expert on public lands and former Dean of the College of Natural Resources at Utah State University observes: Bishop said Utah was better than the feds at managing public land. My experience tells me otherwise. For almost six decades I taught resource managers, used public land and served on dozens of teams and commissions that evaluated both state and federal lands. In almost all cases, federal land is better managed than state land. State land managers are often equally well-qualified. But they are expected to make money for the state even when the land use is not sustainable. State politicians often do not provide adequate budgets to manage the people’s land. There is so much at stake in this upcoming election. Our very way and quality of life is under threat. Our do nothing Congressman has waited until his 7th term to say he is going to do something - and that something will be to take away Utah public land from Utahns and deliver it to those who see it only in terms of short-term profit. More development and more industrialization will lead to even more air and water pollution. Is this the Utah that we want? Because if our Congressman gets his way, this is the Utah we are going to get. This is the election to vote for our Utah land, in stewarding it, we are also preserving and conserving our way of life and our childrens future. Not Left. Not Right. Forward!
Posted on: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 02:18:01 +0000

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