What say you MY people, to a African/Black American Business Trust - TopicsExpress


What say you MY people, to a African/Black American Business Trust and Community Charter like this? African/Black American Business Trust Fundraiser Event and Community Charter... The African/Black American Community has decided to unite all fractions of our people as one body towards one common goal, the rebuilding of a functional African/Black American Business Community. Our aim is the create Business Owners, job opportunities, and homeownership. The African/Black American Community has decided to compete for our $1.2 Trillion Dollar buying power and Transform our people from a nation of consumers to producers... We shall start by donating $10 Billion Dollars a month to Black own Banks in the local Districts, City, and States where our people resides.... Ever month we will focus the African/Black American Business Trust fundraising event to a different State where we reside and deposit the money into a Black owned Bank in that location. Thats just 1/4 of the 41.7 Billion dollars we already spend outside of our community each month. We will not be separated by political games and parties. We will not be separated by Sectoral beliefs. We will not be separated by career choices and yearly income. We will not be separated by levels of Educations or lack there of.... We will not be separated by Nationalist titles or What-so-ever we may call ourselves.... We shall move as one body of people... African/Black American Democrats, Republicans, Wealthy, Black Farmers, Working Class, Poor, Voters, Non-Voters, Incarcerated, Not incarcerated, Young and Old, Believers, Non-Believers, Black male and female... We shall stand UNITED as ONE for ALL of us. We shall compete for our $1.2 Trillion Dollar Buying Power and take back control of the $500 Billion Dollars we spend outside of ourselves... Heres how the program will work for the next 2 to 20 years.... Continue reading if you agree to the terms and conditions of this African/Black American Business Trust and Community Charter... We the African/Black Americans will start be having a fundraiser each and every month, for the next 2 to 20 years, to purchase property, create Black owned Business, and increase homeownership for our people... We will choose a Black owned bank where we reside and donate $10 Billion Dollars of our earned money to this African/Black American Bank... The Bank will then use the money to sponsor the African/Black American residents of that district, State, and city to participants in the event... Individuals who enter must be those of us ambitious enough to want to own a Business and compete for our Dollars... These future business owners are to take a Three month workshop that has a Three Phase Program... The 1st phase will be a Mental Detoxing Program, 2nd phase a Business Competency Program, 3rd phase a Business Ownership and Group Economics Maintenance Program... MENTAL DETOXING PROGRAM This phase will focus on reteaching the real history of us here in America, The Original Dark Natives of this Country and about the 15% of us that came from the African Continent. This Mental Detox Program will be used to bring us together and mold us as one people with one goal... It will also be used to teach and encourage our future Business owners to be and work as producers not consumers.... This phase of the program will run for 3 to 4 weeks... BUSINESS COMPETENCY PROGRAM This program will go over clearing all participants debts to prepare them for owning a business... This will include paying off their college debts for school and repairing their credit scores... They will learn about savings, investing in dividend stocks, how to run a successful business, and home ownership.... These individuals will also be taught how to write up and implement a successful Business plan for any and all future loans from African/Black American owned Banks.... This will run the following 3 to 4 weeks.... BUSINESS OWNERSHIP and GROUP ECONOMICS MAINTENANCE PROGRAM This program will be the final phase of the African/Black American Business Trust Fundraiser and Community Charter.... During this phase the participants will learn how to maintain their business, invest into stocks that coincide with their choice of Business Industry, how to hire a chain of employees from General Managers, Assistant Manger, to Supervisor, and floor staff... They will learn how to be encouraging to their staff members while implementing paid incentives for good on the job performance, problem solving, and customer service... The participants will learn to build a rapport with other African/Black American owned Business from this project... They will have annual local, city, and State meetings once a month. From there they will learn to constantly work with one another for what they need in order to be successful.... The participants of the African/Black American Business Trust and Community Charter will be taught how to sponsor, support, and finance restructuring or our Residential Community, Schools, Childcare Centers, Clinics, and Investing in our Black Farmers..... They will learn how to Create Trade Workshop Centers, Finance Neighborhood Community College for our youth, Create job opportunity and placement for those of us released from prison, and build free clinics for our men, women, and children.... All this will be paid for by monthly collection of 10% from each and every African/Black American Business Community of that location. Once these 3 phases are complete, those who successfully past the workshops will receive their Business License, Business Insurance, and Tax ID. Participants will choose the location for their business in the area of the African/Black American Community. They will be given money to also become a resident of that area and hire African/Black Americans of that location.... For three months the owners will not have to begin paying back the money right away... After those three months, every Third month following, they are to return 10% of their earnings back to the African/Black American owned Banks until the Business debt is paid in full... Inclusion the idea of this African/Black American Business Trust Fundraiser and Community Charter, is to put forth a program that will financially secure our people for the next 2 to 20 years... A program that can be revisited and revised every four years.... What say Ye African/Black Americans... All of US to a Business Trust and Community Charter like this?
Posted on: Mon, 10 Nov 2014 12:02:31 +0000

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