What to do after B.Tech: Alternate careers for engineering - TopicsExpress


What to do after B.Tech: Alternate careers for engineering students It is a busy world, I dont have energy to write fancy long paragraphs wrapped up in the spicy language; and appreciate the fact that you dont have time to waste on a long and boring article. So I will keep it short and to-the-point. Today I am going to talk about the most common question asked by an Engineering student to himself every single day- “What am I going to do after B.Tech” What are you going to do after B.Tech ? GATE, PSU, IES, Software firm, Core firm, M.tech, Study abroad…?? Are you still confused about where to go… or you have decided to prepare for any of these..??? Even if you have decided to go for something, please keep eep your study material aside for a moment, skip your GATE/CAT/Placement coaching class for a day… because what I am going to talk about is worth pondering upon… lets talk about various career options we choose after B.Tech and the underlying motivation behind them… I am going to prepare for PSU/GATE/Core Company because: 1. everyone is preparing for it 2. my senior scored top AIR rank/ was selected in top PSU 3. all my classmates have joined the coaching.. so should I 4. I do not want to waste what I have studied in 4 years coz everyone is preparing for it does not mean everyone will get selected.. moreover who got selected had a different motivation and aim in their life.. And those who are least interested in bookish technical stuff- come on, after performing so average in bookish examinations in last 3 years, cant you realize that this is not your cup of tea…? I did realize it.. so I opted out.. We do not score well in theory exams not because we can not.. but because we don’t give a damn… And believe me, you can never be successful in whatever you don’t actually like to do.. and you never directly utilize in your Jobs what you have learnt during your B.Tech studies… its just the skills and technical attitude you develop during these years that help you in your professional life.. so do not worry about wasting 4 years of your studies.. coz whatever you have gained will remain with you and help you in every sphere of your professional and personal life.. I am going to prepare for a Software Company Because: 1. a lot of software companies visit my campus.. and it is easy to get into it.. 2. There are no other jobs in the market.. 3. Very fancy and easy life as a software engineer.. nufin much to do… are you ready to spend your whole life writing the codes…?? and believe me if you do not actually love coding.. you will be stuck at the same career level even after 10-15 years in your company…. and if you think there are not many jobs in the fields you want… comeon you just need ONE SINGLE job… and trust me you will be able to find it.. It seems funny.. One of my Mechie friend who had 5 point something is on same position in Accenture as one of my classmate who scored 10 in the final semester… !! I am going to prepare for CAT /MBA Because: 1. Coz getting into IIMs is the fanciest thing 2. My senior just got selected in IIM-A and IIM-B 3. B.Tech+MBA combo sounds very good 4. Students at IIMs get 60 Lacs per annum packages yup it has got the glamour… but can it offer what you ant from your life ? are you OK to leave all your technical dreams behind and enter into a totally new world ? is it the right time to go for an MBA ? Your seniors got selected in IIMs because they genuinely wanted to be there and they had those reasons which motivated them to pursue the CAT.. do you have any such reason..? Any Combo in the world can be fruitful for you depending upon what you actually extract from it.. even an LLB after a B.Tech can be a fantastic option.. IIM’s packages also start from 8 Lacs per annum… again there is a lot of competition and your package ultimately depends upon you as a person… I am going to Study abroad Because: 1. Life in foreign countries is so easy… 2. Coz my senior went there and he posts beautiful pictures on facebook 3. as soon as you complete your studies, you get a fantastic job.. and earn million of dollars.. do not ever think of going to study abroad if you are not ready to suffer the hardships… india has got one of the easiest student’s life in the whole world… you will be tested so hard that you cannot even imagine sitting in India… your seniors who are posting pics of the beautiful places they are visiting are all either cleaning the roads, washing the dishes and cars or waiting in a restaurant to survive in the countries.. job market in foreign countries is merciless for international students… trust me.. if you can not stand above the crowd.. you will end up driving taxis in the 18 hours shift… Again the question is… What should you do after B.Tech ??? and the answer is- whatever you really want to….. anything mentioned or not mentioned above.. whatever you love doing.. and you actually believe you can give your best… coz no matter what.. if you really want something for yourself.. you will end up someday being successful..
Posted on: Sat, 31 Aug 2013 15:21:40 +0000

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