What we speak or do is only what has been going on inside of us - TopicsExpress


What we speak or do is only what has been going on inside of us for a long time. Let us get to the roots. David had a longing to be close to Yahveh and to be used for His purpose. He felt he wasnt all Yahveh intended for him to be. However, his approach to meet this spiritual need was entirely different from most of us. David went into the presence of Yahveh with a prayer that shows he knew exactly where his root problem was. He cried, Search me, O Yahveh, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts: And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting (Psalm 139:23-24). David wanted to be real, not only with his outward actions, but beginning with his innermost thoughts. He recognised that his words and actions were only a reflection of his thoughts, and his thoughts were simply the evidence of what he was really like in his heart. Therefore, David prayed and asked Yahveh to try him and to cure those wrong tendencies of his heart that showed up in his thought life. Many years later, Yeshua said, For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts . . . (Mark 7:21). In other words, we reflect the true reality of who we are by what we think. Everything first happens in our thought life before it is translated into words and actions. Our problem is not that we lack Bible information, speakers, or opportunities. Rather, our problem is that we dont want to face the truth of who we really are. We dont want others to know it either, and we even try to fool God. We never ask Him to search our heart and reveal our secrets. Instead, we pretend with a spiritual life we dont live, a peace we dont experience and a holiness and commitment we dont possess. We will never make any progress in becoming more like Yeshua unless we permit Yahveh to cut us open, search our hearts, try us, know our thoughts and then change us from the inside. Only then can we become real according to the Word of Yahveh. That reality will make us powerful witnesses for Yeshua, even if we dont say a word. We will be so transparent and so genuine that if the world around us tries us with fire, we will come out as glittering gold. If you truly desire this reality, stop looking to plans and activities as your solution. Begin today to call out to Yahveh as David did. Can you say this? , Yahveh, cut me open. Please search my heart, try me, know my thoughts, reveal to me who I am, and change me, at any cost, to become what Your Word says I ought to be. Believe me, there is no prayer Yahveh delights to answer for His people more than.being humble! Is there any hurtful way in your heart? Would you be able to ask Yahveh to search your heart down to the deepest levels and reveal to you the secrets that not even you realise are still there? Would you trust Yahveh enough to ask Him to expose and root out of you that which is displeasing to Him? Do you have the courage to bow your knees, to lower your head, to lay prostrate before Yahveh, and to become as vulnerable as you can to Him as you ask him to look into your heart to see if theres anything bad in there and to deal with it accordingly? Such a request grows out of humility as well as increases humility. It is the ultimate trust in Yahveh and acknowledge to Him that in our humblest ways we realise we cant do anything without Him. David did not simply ask Yahveh to see if theres any hurtful way in him and leave it at that. He asked to be led by Yahveh in the everlasting way. This means to be corrected and sanctified by Yahvehs loving hands. May the desire of your heart be that you would seek more of Yeshua, that you would dwell in the house of Yahveh forever.
Posted on: Sun, 14 Sep 2014 20:28:24 +0000

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