What will it take to protect the rhino and other wildlife from the - TopicsExpress


What will it take to protect the rhino and other wildlife from the poaching onslaught? More of the same from a government that has failed, or rolling up the shirt-sleeves and attacking the problem in a business-like manner like a proper government should? Below are the official ANC party line from the minister, and the opposition DA party members speech from the parliamentary rhino poaching debate yesterday 02 September 2014 . Decide for yourselves. Speech by Minister for Environmental Affirs Edna Molewa Honourable members, since perhaps the dawn of time, the rhino, ubejane, tsukudu, renosterhas been emblematic of Africa. Of us as a continent, and of us as a people. This animal, with its magnificent features - remind us of our ancestral past, and our prehistoric origins, from another place in time. In this month of September, we celebrate our great heritage as South Africans and as Africans…and our human connection with nature. The fight to save the rhino goes way beyond the protection of a species. It is inextricably tied to our South African heritage. There are those who would ask why, with all the challenges we face as a country to build a better life for all: do we place the conservation of animals at the center of national debate. The answer is a simple one. It is because protection of our natural resources lies at the heart of what makes us South Africans: our love for this beautiful land. Which is why we will not be complacent as our national security is breached, and criminals decimate our wildlife, among the most abundant in the world. South Africa has always been, and remains, the home of the rhino. Despite the onslaught of human encroachment over the centuries, and man’s often-cruel pursuit of these animals, they have endured. And here, in the southernmost tip of Africa, they are home. Eighty-two percent of Africa’s rhino can be found in South Africa. Ninety three percent of white rhino and 39% of black rhino are here. And yet barely a century ago they faced extinction. Not just in Africa, but globally. It is because of the conservation efforts of South Africa that the majority of Africa’s rhino may today be found in the Kruger National Park – a name so famous globally and associated with the legendary Big Five that it is simply called ‘Kruger’. But our sterling track record is under threat. Rhino are being poached in ever increasing numbers. It is no ordinary crime – but part of a greater, highly organized, well-funded illicit wildlife trade. Those behind rhino poaching are often linked to transnational crime syndicates operating not on the margins of society, but within it, counting within their ranks those who have the inside knowledge, the know-how and the financial means to bring the rhino once again to the brink of extinction. As signatories to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora – also known as CITES; we have long placed sustainable utilization at the cornerstone of our conservation policies. South Africa remains committed to rooting out the illegal trade in specimens of wild animals and plants: which threatens their survival. Honourable Members of the house, we are holding this debate today because we as the government believe that the solution to the illicit wildlife trade, and in particular, rhino poaching, cannot lie in one area alone. Solving the problem also isn’t the government’s task alone: but will ultimately rest on the strength of collaborative partnerships between government, the private sector and the NGO sector: all the while mindful that the decision whether or not to engage in such practices heavily depend on the motives and consciences of individuals – be they socio-economic hardship, or sheer greed. The South African government, under the stewardship of the Department of Environmental Affairs, has adopted the integrated strategic management of rhinoceros’ – a raft of measures that, working in tandem - will be brought to bear to fight this scourge. To ensure the long-term survival of this great African animal necessitates that we long abandon a wait-and-see approach. Time is not on our side…the rhino simply does not have the time. Honourable members, a strategy, as adopted by Cabinet, is characterized by a balance between proactive anti-poaching measures, the implementation of innovative new measures to bolster rhino numbers, and the vigorous pursuit of interventions for long-term sustainability. Compulsory interventions we as the government have been doing all along include existing and pro-active anti-poaching initiatives, bolstered by improved, actionable intelligence as well as the introduction of responsive legislation and policy amendments. Another intervention the South African government has used in the past with immense success, and continues to employ – is strategic translocation. Moving rhino to low risk areas –leading to the creation of new rhino strongholds in areas where the animals are safe and protected, has been scientifically proven to result in increased populations. It is important to note that these translocations will take place to other parks, reserves as well as to private and community land. But we know that meeting the challenge posed by a fluid and rapidly evolving criminal enterprise requires innovation: new approaches that can effectively disrupt the syndicates behind the illicit rhino horn trade. Which is why, as of the 1st of September, we have established a National Rhino Operations Center in the Kruger National Park to centralize and strengthen co-ordination of anti-poaching operations and activities, under the leadership of the South African Police Services. It should also be mentioned that this joint management strategy also rests heavily on collaboration with neighboring countries or so-called range states; as well as end-user countries. To this end, MOUs have been concluded with: a. the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, b. The People’s Republic of China, and c. The Government of Mozambique Similar such cooperation are being finalized with the governments of Cambodia, Lao’s People Democratic Republic, further: and being discussed with Thailand, Tanzania and Botswana. These MoUs include various areas of cooperation with among other things, a focus on biodiversity management, and conservation. Because we know, and we have learned, that increased militarization alone will not work. It has to be matched by proactive strategies targeted at end-user countries: including but not limited to demand reduction through awareness campaigns. But so long as there is reason, be it greed or indigence – for someone to go out and shoot a rhino and saw off its horn: we will consider community relationships as the very foundation of our strategies. It is, after all, from these communities that the poachers come. It is also from these communities – many of them under-developed and neglected, that the natural instinct to protect these animals may be superseded by concerns for money because they are simply too poor. The ownership and management of our country’s wildlife was for centuries, in the hands of the few. Generations of South African children were born and grew up alongside many of the country’s wildlife reserves.. without ever being allowed past the gate. It is under this government that the dream of many from these communities, to have a stake in the management and ownership of these animals - has been realized. To ensure the long-term, sustainable utilization of wildlife of which we speak, it is key that we involve communities every step of the way. Not just by creating an enabling environment that facilitates rhino ownership and management for disadvantaged communities. But also through creating economic alternatives to poaching within these communities. Honourable Members, the lure of the poacher is a strong one…especially if you believe your future to be bleak and your prospects to be non-existent. But it is a road we are determined to dissuade them from taking. And it starts with the young. The seeds of national pride in our rhino and its protection are most fertile in the minds of the youth. The values of pride, responsibility, and duty to protect – once successfully instilled in them, never leave. But we cannot promise them words alone. It is our responsibility to redirect the energies of the young towards useful, income generating projects that mean they remain far from the poacher’s snare. Our very first impressions of the recently convened public hearings into rhino poaching tell us that if offered alternatives, communities are inclined towards upliftment and conservation – not crime. We are a country committed to sustainable utilization of natural resources. Which is why Cabinet has also authorized my department to explore the feasibility of a legal trade in rhino horn products. The application of economic fundamentals to issues around a proposed legal trade, also known as rhinonomics: is among the terms of reference of a Panel of Experts appointed to look into this issue ahead of the CITES Conference of Parties in 2016. The Cabinet Inter-Ministerial Committee and the Panel of Experts are considering all options: and have made no decision. Today, as we have repeatedly done, we are calling on stakeholders and interested parties to register to participate in the processes of the panel. Honourable Members, South Africans, we have borne the brunt of this scourge, the bitter fruit of our successful conservation record. But we remain confident that our efforts in implementing the integrated strategic approach will build on the successes of the past, and not undermine them. The challenges will not remain static, which is why our approach is strategic, targeted, and innovative. The fight to save the rhino is inextricably linked to who we are as a country: a country with a proud heritage that we celebrate throughout the month of September. A country wherein each of us knows that what distinguishes us from the beasts is our compassion, our mercy, and our recognition that we are one with nature. We owe it to our rhino, and to ourselves, to succeed. Speech by Deputy DA Party Shadow Minister for Environmental Affairs, opposition MP Terri Stander “They say that the cry of a wounded rhino never leaves you[…] It is the sound you hear when a rhino wakes with half its face and struggles to its feet, dazed and confused, into a fate it will never understand.” This is an extract from Courage in the Loss of Hope By Lauren Daisy Flynn referring to a poaching incident in Kariega Game Reserve near where I live in Mpuma Coloni. Three rhino were poached in one night. One rhino bull died during the butchery, whilst Themba and Thandi were found with their faces mutilated and fighting for their lives. This is but one story of the 3394 rhinos killed since 2008. Today officially marks the 736th death this year. We must ask: why is the relentless massacre of our rhino being allowed to increase? Those on my right might mock the demand or blame the black market, abuses of the permitting system, lack of funding, lack of intelligence capacity. Agreed, these are all challenges, but I call their bluff. Ministers shouldn’t whine like spoiled children, but take responsibility. Combatting rhino poaching is not a choice, but an obligation in terms of section 24b of our Constitution, which is stronger than any party manifesto. Frilly statements can be convincing, but the lack of results is more convincing. The only thing lacking is the genuine, collective, political will. Ministers should stop the talk-shops and act. The 2010 World Cup is proof of how genuine political will can direct efforts to make a success of a project that was largely met with skepticism. In 2010 a great National strategy for the Safety and security of Rhinoceros populations in South Africa was developed; but in four years little has come of this. The National Joint Operations and Intelligence Structure (Natjoints), and its provincial structure; have failed. Stakeholders, including the HAWKS, SAPS, NPA and private rhino owners are operating in isolation. No one knows whom to trust with reports of the government officials, police and rangers embroiled in syndicates. There is no credible, national, co-ordinated strategy or structure. We call on the Honourable Minister Molewa to take the reins: • Scrap and replace this structure with a new one consisting of vetted stakeholder representatives. Intelligence has been identified as a weakness by the department since the start of this crisis 6 years ago. Why is it, that I can have a list of 72 suspected poachers in my hands, but not one of these have been properly investigated let alone convicted? You can even call them on the listed telephone numbers! Gathering and analysing intelligence will support operations that disrupt organised crime and prevent poaching incidents. It is also the one form of support that Government can provide to private rhino owners to help intercept attacks on their reserves. It is the single most important intervention. Cabinet Ministers, we call on you to take responsibility: • Prioritise rhino poaching when you determine your National Intelligence Estimates for the medium to long term; and • Dedicate an intelligence desk to develop strategies that a national structure can coordinate. Current legislation is fragmented because Provincial Ordinances differ from the National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act and the Threatened or Protected Species Regulations. Bail amounts are paltry and do little to discourage re-offence. Sentences have improved lately. Probably a credit to the department’s efforts to provide training and ensuring dedicated Prosecutors are assigned to poaching cases. But cases still take years to finalise and the fact remains: not one poacher above level one has been arrested to date. Legislation needs to be consolidated to close loopholes and provide consistency. We call on the Minister of Justice to take responsibility: • Review legislation to list poaching as a level 5 offence, increase minimum sentences to 10 years for level 1 poachers and deny bail for repeat or foreign suspects. Legislation is only as good as it’s enforcement. Current permit regulations stipulate: “rhino hunts must take place under the supervision of a conservation official preferably an environmental management inspector from the province concerned”; but this doesn’t happen! The North West Premier’s own misconduct unit and Mukalah Governance & Corporate Legal Solutions reported that the then Deputy Director of Biodiversity Management and Conservation was complicit in permit irregularities. Instead of being subjected to disciplinary proceedings; he was promoted to Director of this department! Minister, take responsibility! • Initiate a full forensic audit into all permits issued since 2010 in every province, and institute disciplinary and/or criminal procedures where necessary; and • Centralise the permitting system to maintain a database of all hunter profiles and their applications to prevent abuse. If reports are to be believed, special-ops troops were sent into Lesotho to evacuate the Prime Minister while our own borders lie porous and undefended. Up to 12, armed invasions originate from Mozambique in the Kruger National Park on a daily basis. • We insist that at least 2 SANDF personnel are deployed every 10 kilometres along the 356km border with Mozambique in the Kruger National Park, and • That 1500 well-trained and resourced troops are deployed throughout South African National Parks. Honourable Minister Mapisa-Nqakula: I watched you on TV saying: “We are the first line of defence of the Republic of South Africa and its institutions, and equally we will be the last line of defence” As head of the Joint Security Cluster, you acted very swiftly against some errant members in this house on the 21st of August 2014 – do you not feel poachers also deserve such swift action? Minister, take responsibility! In a joint press conference on rhino poaching, Commissioner Phiyega stated hot-pursuits were happening all the time. But when I probed the South African Police Service in our portfolio committee, it was confirmed by SAPA representatives that the hot pursuit claim was nothing but hot air. Much like the MoUs mentioned here today. Our law enforcement officials are handcuffed by the present rules of engagement. Ministers of the security cluster: we call on you to take responsibility: • Facilitate the process to change the rules of engagement and issue the relevant notices, • Get formal, written, hot pursuit agreements in place; and • Sign extradition treaties to prosecute suspects in South Africa. Our people, environment and economy are inextricably linked. Government must partner with surrounding communities to provide the necessary education, awareness and protection needed for the conservation of our rhino. After all, they present a long-term source of income rather than a quick cash incentive. These programmes must economically benefit the broader community, not select individuals. It is clear from recent public hearings that our people are proud that rhino form part of our heritage, and want Government to do more to stop the killings. Minister: take responsibility. Honourable Mgximtama: perhaps if you wish to participate in this debate you need to actually attend the public hearings we have been to so that you can hear what people want, rather than grandstand your own creative opinions. Likewise for the ANC, two people of the over 1000 who participated in the public hearings do not speak on behalf of 51 million people in South Africa on the issue of trade in rhino horn. Let me categorically state that any proposals to lift the trade ban on rhino horn at the 2016 CITES Conference of the Parties would be irresponsible. Neither legal market channels with consumer markets (where trade is currently illegal), nor the appropriate legislation and systems have been negotiated or developed. This should have been done years ago to provide the assurances that money will be used for conservation and won’t lead to an increase in poaching as in the trade of elephant ivory. Funding is not an excuse for failing to intervene. Over R600million has been raised since 2013 toward rhino poaching with many more people, locally and internationally, willing to donate. A 1 million dollar “THREATstalker”, which is a mobile night vision, communication, etc. unit; was offered to the Kruger national Park – but they don’t want to take it!? Government’s one-track record of “yes, we can do more” is wearing thin. Just do it! (Apho kuko injongo kuko indlela. Sifuna amanyathelo angqingqwa okukhusela ubhejane ezimisele nzulu kubuzwe bethu.) Where there is political will, we will find a way to combat rhino poaching in South Africa and protect our heritage as one of the conservation capitals of the world. As Dr. Ian Player has said: let us not look back in anger, but forward with fury
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 10:34:29 +0000

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