Whats going on with Jim: he had a cyst on his kidney and it - TopicsExpress


Whats going on with Jim: he had a cyst on his kidney and it ruptured and he has internal bleeding. This is serious because he is on Coumadin since he has an artificial valve and his blood is basically needs to be as thin as water. The drs. have taken him off Coumadin and are giving him vitamin K and blood transfusions to get his blood to thicken enough to hopefully stop the bleeding. His kidney has been damaged because it wasnt getting enough blood. Once the bleeding has stopped 2 things will happen, he can be put on dialysis to try and repair the damage to his kidney and if that doesnt work because it was to severely damaged, hell lose the kidney. Since he is no longer on the Coumadin, theres a chance that he could throw a clot and have a stroke, damage the valve, and possibly have to have the valve replaced. Hes at Royal Oak Beaumont and has a team of drs. working on him. Hes not allowed any food and just gets ice chips because they want him to be ready in case the drs. need to operate. He has a reanl specialist, cardiologist, urologist and a thorasic surgeon on stand by. Will keep all of you posted. Thanks for the good thoughts and prayers, we really appreciate them!
Posted on: Sun, 17 Nov 2013 03:13:01 +0000

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