Whats on my mind?? Ill tell you...(this will be a little - TopicsExpress


Whats on my mind?? Ill tell you...(this will be a little long) Here lately, Ive seen many people mock the people who choose to believe that God is God and that He could do anything but fail. Well, let me make my proclamation. I BELIEVE GOD! I believe because I CHOOSE to believe in Him. Hey, the Word of God tells us that the people of God are saved by grace through faith anyways (Ephesians 2:8)...and that is believing that we are and live a Holy and separated life. It also tells us that without faith, it is impossible to please God (Hebrews 11:6). Okay thats the Word, but heres my testimony. I was in my mothers womb when a Man of God prophesied to my mother, telling her that her unborn child would be different. She wouldnt fit in if she tried. He said God would use me in a Mighty way. Well, I have tried fitting in and when I was a drunk passed out every where in Little Rock, AR, there was a young man who said the exact same thing to me. A DRUNK THOUGH?? Well, maybe that was a coincidence. There was another time when I was riding to my dads bus afterschool when the brakes went out as we were going down a hill. He could only make a left or right turn of the hill because he couldnt keep straight, he would go into ongoing traffic. Well, he turned right and the bus leaned over far enough for me to touch the ground from my window. I could hear him calling on the name of JESUS...and SOMETHING HAPPENED!!! Was this a coincidence still?? Ok, maybe it was still a coincidence when my grandmother died when my dad was only 2 years old. The hospital asked my grandfather what funeral home he wanted to use...he said he wasnt calling on the undertaker, he was going to call on the Uppertaker. He prayed to God and SOMETHING HAPPENED!!! My beautiful grandmother, Addie Mae Smith, spoiled me rotten until she passed away when I was 8 years old. I had to quit my job to take care of my son when I couldnt find a daycare for him. I had more bills than money, I had a child, and I was unemployed. I was stressed because I was relying on my own income. When I finally decided I would pray and put it in Gods Hands, He came through as if He was only waiting on me to BELIEVE. Within 30 mins of my prayer, I received a phone call about a job. I told the woman I was interested but I would need to make arrangements for my son. I had no idea at the time how. As soon as I hung up from the lady, I received another phone call from a daycare! I pray to God and SOMETHING HAPPENED. This is why I choose to believe!! I have seen Him work in my life too many times!! I have called on Him too many times and SOMETHING HAPPENED. Ive called on friends and they couldnt always be there. Ive relied on my paycheck to handle my expenses, but from time to time my paycheck didnt have the amount I needed. I mentioned just a few testimonies but I couldnt surely go on and on. My point is...I believe God and everything the Word says about His existence, His abilities, and His plan for His people and this world. Some call it a coincidence, but I call it the Work of the Almighty and Powerful God that I CHOOSE to serve. I dont want to choose NOT to believe and find out I was wrong when its too late either. I trust God when people put their trust in their income, their own abilities, and the things they possess when these things come and go and they change with time. But MY GOD NEVER CHANGES!! Hes the same today, yesterday, and forever. #iBelieve
Posted on: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 18:31:30 +0000

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