Whats this country coming to ay? With pubs closing right left and - TopicsExpress


Whats this country coming to ay? With pubs closing right left and centre and now someone comes up with "Sobertober" yeah right thats a good idea to help the industry. What people fail to realise is that most people do drink in moderation and a night out in the pub is a social event as oppose to being an excuse to just get drunk. However these days people spend most of there lives doing everythink either via computer or mobile phone seldom in person and whilst technology is all well and good ultimately we are social creatures and we need to socialize and where is the best place to do just that? Exactly down the local pub. So instead of allowing yourselves to be dictated to by some "Sobertober dictator", get yourselves your mates your family arrange to go have a night out in the pub instead. After all the pub is a traditionally British thing and has been a main tool in many peoples lives for generations. Where did your parents meet? What do people do after there weddings, Christenings and every other type of celebration? Where did people find out about work or go to collect wages on a Friday? The good old pub. There was a time when there was one at the end of every road almost. Can you really imagine there being a time when they are all gone ? So to all you people who like nothing better than a good night out, a catch up with your mates and generally socializing with the rest of the world in general then make it happen. SObertober my arse, get out and about enjoy yourself life is for living. Let the dictators stay in coming up with there daft ideas about how and what we all should be doing and the rest of us can live life to the max and then tell em all what they missed out on. What you going to? Do as you are told or do what you like???????
Posted on: Thu, 03 Oct 2013 10:12:49 +0000

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