Whats wrong with us? What is social, economic and political - TopicsExpress


Whats wrong with us? What is social, economic and political marginalisation (social exclusion) doing in a democratic population? Social exclusion is a multidimensional process of progressive social rupture, detaching groups and individuals from social relations and institutions and preventing them from full participation in the normal, normatively prescribed activities of the society in which they live. Alternatively - social exclusion theoretically emerges at the individual or group level on four correlated dimensions: insufficient access to social rights, material depravation, limited social participation and a lack of normative integration. It is then regarded as the combined result of personal risk factors (age, gender, race); macro-societal changes (demographic, economic and labour market developments, technological innovation, the evolution of social norms); government legislation and social policy; and the actual behavior of businesses, administrative organisations and fellow citizens. Why cant we break the cycle of poverty? Why cant we remove social barriers? What can be done to escape the minimum setting of low waged labour in our workforce? Whats wrong with our education? Why have we got a global financial crisis? How is it that government revenue is decreasing? Why are there aid reductions? Explain why food prices are escalating? Why dont wages increase with inflation? How is it that poverty levels are rising? Why are we facing inequalities and discrimination of ethnicity, religion, class or caste, language, location, disease (HIV/AIDS), disability and gender? Why is there a difference between rural and urban education? Why dont we take steps to improve education to better standards and motivation? Is there any reason cost barriers to education cannot be reduced? Why is it that governments can pour shit loads of financial support to rescue banks and other corporations out of bankruptcies/recessions, yet cant have the same quality help towards the general population in their times of hardships and need? Im tired of keeping quiet about the issues that are being ignored, and Im pissed off that what is said either gets side stepped, or hearing pitiful excuses for the issue/s to be left sitting on a backburner. I want the government to make something of themselves, by honouring the rights of the people of this nation, and cleaning up the mess thats been carelessly created over time. I dont want to sit back and put up with continual political shenanigans any more, and why should you? Its time for change, its time for action. Carpe diem. Palma non sine pulvere.
Posted on: Sat, 20 Sep 2014 02:51:04 +0000

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