What’s the Point: Tuning Forks, Fields and Invitations “We - TopicsExpress


What’s the Point: Tuning Forks, Fields and Invitations “We evolve at the rate of the tribe we are plugged into.” - Caroline Myss This message has been a beacon to me for the past 15 years. I can FEEL the truth in it. Many thought-leaders have expressed similar notions about how we become “tuned in” to one another and how our thoughts and vibrations begin to resonate in harmony - just as we might use a tuning fork to create vibrational resonance in musical instruments. Although I have been posting messages in this space for this past week, the most significant contribution that I have been making has been a conscious cultivation of the morphic “field” that we are sharing here. Words will not be useful to describe this so I will rely instead on tapping into your greater awareness. What do YOU notice about how it feels to be here? Why have the vast majority of members found themselves “drawn” here without any formal invitation? What feels alive here for you? I expect that your answers to those questions will bring us to a discussion of the particulars of the “field” that are pulsing within this shared space. Whether we refer to it as the “emerging future” or a “reality beyond this reality” - something quite new and evocative is capturing our attention and imaginations here. For many of us, this field seems familiar - inviting and resonant with something we have been seeking our whole lives. When we feel into this connection with individuals who have similar expansive visions and hope, it feels - in some way - like home. So many of us have been bumping about in “reality” all our lives with a sense of being outsiders. We’ve simply had a different orientation and higher sensitivities. We’ve had the sense that we have never quite “fit in.” It is as if we have been the butterfly’s imaginal cells - destined to feel out of place in the body of the voracious, earthbound caterpillar - with no choice but to wait until the timing became right for us to reveal our latent butterfly potential. The field of “Collaborative Emergence” is designed to be the nutritive rich soup that the imaginal cells are supported by as they begin to actualize their own unique aspects of the butterfly’s blueprint. The field within this community is vibrationally aligned with the “upgraded operating system” that all imaginal cells must now bring online. By spending a few minutes on this page each day you become “attuned” to this field and supported in your own individual unfolding. I’m going to point out five aspects of the Collaborative Emergence field that are active and alive for me. I’m then going to ask you to tune into what you have noticed here and to share that with the rest of the community. Resonant tones within the “Collaborative Emergence” field include: ~ The call to cultivate a future unlike the past ~ The awareness that there is a win-win-win world inviting us to sync up with it ~ The opportunity to interactively explore meaningful topics from a variety of perspectives in a way that “sparks” new dimensions of our own authentic knowing ~ The celebration of unconventional perspectives and encouragement to express our own unique truths without threat of ridicule or ostracism ~ An environment that honors and appreciates freedom and variety and which inspires each participant into a deeper level of self-trust Today’s invitation: I’d love for each of you who has been drawn here to read a few posts and to then become quiet and present within to inquire about what YOU are finding to be resonant and nourishing about the energy field here. Do share what comes up for you below...
Posted on: Fri, 14 Mar 2014 13:39:51 +0000

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