When Donna Zukas contacted me about getting involved with The - TopicsExpress


When Donna Zukas contacted me about getting involved with The American Cancer Societies CPS3 testing, it seem like the natural progression in what I will refer to as my Cancer Activism. I guess it started 17-18 years ago with my first ever Relay for Life, a novel idea, to have a team of 12 runners take turns running for 24 hours, and see who could get the most laps. Back then it was just a fifty dollar donation and a tough workout. I didnt have anyone close to me with cancer. It the years that followed, the Relay became less competitive, and the running was more leisurely. I began to READ the signs posted along the track. I remember the first one that ever made me stop running, because I was moved to tears. Nancy Johnson, young mother of four young boys, the ages of my own kids. Nancy was the picture of the involved mom, at every sporting event, working the concession stand, cheering for her boys. She lost her battle WAY too early. In the Relays to follow, I had many occasions to stop running and walk. Ill never forget seeing signs for Jaime Vick, college student who relapsed with Leukemia. I knew Jaimes story, that she fought it once as a High School freshman. I remember, not knowing then what an important person shed become to me, being terribly shaken to find out she was fighting it again. There were other too many to mention as well. Frank DelVecchio, workout partner, part of the Mayhem in the AM crew. We would arrive at the gym at 5 am, get in a workout and solve the worlds many ills by 6:30. We were different in so many ways, but our connection was undeniable. I loved Frank. He lost his short battle with cancer, and I miss him and think of him often. Much has been written about the courage, grace, and faith of Jaime Vick Moran, and Im here to tell you that none of it is accurate. Whatever you have heard is only a small portion of the truth. Jaime was the most powerful influence on my life to date, and she remains one of the key reasons Ill continue doing this, until we get answers. Not only did she guide Ellen in her initial bout with gastric cancer, but she steadied me on many occasions as well. Everyday the world loses someone who can make a difference here. Though Jaimes impact, through her scholarship, will go on forever, her loss is one so many of us will always feel. I miss her so much now, with Ellen back in treatment. She was always, even on her worst days, able to muster a smile and a laugh. She was quick with a hug and encouragement, and always had the right words to help you to know that everything was going to be alright... and though its tough and its bad you can get through it Jaime Vick Moran When Ellen and Jaime were both first diagnosed, we started the Fluorescent Angels. So much good has come of it. We have raised over $25,000 in our first four years for the ACS, and done some nice things for those in need in our community, but with Ellen back in treatment, and Jaime gone, those victories seem hollow. The money raised for the ACS has allowed them to do so much research, and advances have been made. We are close. One of the last ingredients in this battle is information. You have it, we need it. Through the ACSs Cancer Prevention Study 3 we can start to understand what is causing cancer in our communities. This landmark 30 year study, the most comprehensive ever undertaken, promises to inch us closer to a world free of cancer. Our local Valley Points YMCA is hosting CPS3 in our area on November 9th, 8am to noon. We need 100 volunteers to give us a half an hour of time, a few drops of blood and answer a survey. A longer survey will be mailed to your house to complete the study. We have done GREAT so far with recruiting, but need about 40 more of you to make the study a success. If thats all it would take, to finally end this nightmare, wouldnt you WANT to be a part of it? This is the chance. For Nancy, Frank, and Jaime. For all of your friends, neighbors and loved ones weve lost. For our children, and theirs. LETS END THIS NOW!!! Follow this link to our local sign up page. Join me, Im first in line!!! https://seeuthere/rsvp/invitation/invitation.asp?id=%2Fm1c9c3bc-1EETGOSBPAVU2
Posted on: Mon, 21 Oct 2013 13:53:11 +0000

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