When Food Supplies Run Out, What’s Next? by rod davidson Every - TopicsExpress


When Food Supplies Run Out, What’s Next? by rod davidson Every crisis situation has the possibility of becoming long term, lasting a lot longer than anticipated. Survivalists always have food stored, but when the crisis extends, and the food runs out, what will you do next? Many preppers have food stockpile that can last at least two weeks. Some build their storage to ensure nourishment for 3-6 months or even a year! But unless you have the necessary space and financial resource to store enough food to last you a lifetime (or 75+ years), you need to have a plan in the event that your food supply can’t tide you over in a crisis situation. What are the survivalist’s options when food supplies run out? One is to bug out to the wilderness, to hunt, forage and gather food. There is going to be higher risk involved though since you are going to be exposed to the elements. Even with the best outdoor gears and shelters, there is still a chance of exposure. Injuries are also more likely outdoors especially if you’re not well seasoned in navigating the wilderness terrain. Hunting also requires skills as well as foraging for food; you must be familiar with the type of plants you might encounter in the wild because some could end up poisonous or inedible. If hunting and gathering is nothing new to you and every member of your party can be up to it (there are some of us who are simply not built to survive in the wild, and in a family, there may be members who are too young), bugging out in the wilderness when your food store runs out may be the option for you. Another option is homesteading. Starting a garden, even a small one, as early as now can help you stretch your food supply. Keeping livestock will also ensure a supply of fresh meat when the difficult times arrive. But you might ask: what if I don’t have space? Urban dwellers have a problem of limited space but when it comes to starting a survival garden, the best solution is using containers to grow most types of food staples in your diet: tomato, leafy greens, carrots, herbs, small fruit trees, etc. Raising livestock in a tiny space might be more challenging. There are many resources online to build a tiny coop or pen for livestock and animals for city dwellers who are interested in homesteading. But then there is the issue of the noise and smell associated to keeping livestock and your neighbors might not approve. Having a garden can help ensure that even when a crisis lasts longer than anticipated, you still have a food source that is sustainable and can help stretch your food supply. When SHTF, a renewable and sustainable food source is the best insurance you have against starvation. With it, you will be able to focus on other things like water and your family’s defense and security.
Posted on: Thu, 19 Sep 2013 21:23:33 +0000

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