◕ When I married my beautiful extraordinary wife wallah I had no - TopicsExpress


◕ When I married my beautiful extraordinary wife wallah I had no doubts whatsoever in my heart towards her for I placed all my trust with NONE but Allah (Subhanahu wa Taala). Being a good husband is something that I strive for every single day. Now that might sound a little over passionate but for me being a husband and (In Sh Allah) a father is like playing the greatest game of all. In order to play this game, it doesn’t mean that you need to be strict or mean but rather feel like it should be every man’s duty upon making these life decisions that they take it seriously. Once you make the decision to get married and/or have children you have got to understand that your life is no longer a single person experience nor will it ever be again. Every decision from here on out should be a team decision. My brothers in Islam / a good marriage starts with a great foundation. That great foundation simply has to be one built on trust, love and acceptance. If you do not have any one of those three and going to get married – stop until you do. These foundational pillars allow you to create a relationship where you both grow and prosper emotionally. You have to love every single part of your partner from head to toe and personality traits too. You have got to start enjoying each-others company! Sometimes as Men when we are about to get married 100 things runs through our minds = BUT THIS WAY OF THINKING SHOULD NEVER PUT DOUBTS IN OUR HEARTS FOR TRULY MARRIAGE IS A BEAUTIFUL GIFT GIVEN TO US BY THE LORD OF THE WORLDS. My dear brothers in ISLAM = Every married man wants to have happiness in his married life. He wishes to have a cooperative partner in the form of a good wife. Likewise, every woman needs a good husband. It can also be said that a good husband is the dream of every woman. No matter whether you have just married, are planning to get married soon or have been married for a long time, probably, from time to time you ask yourself if you are a good husband. Well, a desire to become better than you are, is always much appreciated. The only thing you are probably thinking about is HOW to be a good husband to your wife. NEVER compete with your wife to show you are more intelligent / Every intelligent man knows that his wife is more intelligent anyway. You may be a Professor or chief executive officer of a large company, but your wife knows more about relationship than you. While you are trying to understand what’s going wrong in your relationship, your wife already knows the reasons for that and has already developed a strategy to solve the problem. Now you will be thinking that what are the qualities that make a man a good husband. Do not worry at all. Here is good news for you. I have provided some of the most important qualities of a good husband and I assure you that if you produce these qualities in your personality you will feel a pleasant change in your life. ===> It has for me already (Ma Sh Allah) ● Always show respect to your wife ● ► Giving respect to wife is an important quality of a good husband. So always respect your wife and speak with her in a loving manner. Remember that our way of talking and our attitude shows how we respect to others, so avoid speaking harshly with your wife. Never put down or humiliate your wife in private or in public as it is a very bad habit. Treat your wife with respect in all kind of circumstances. Always be kind, caring and supportive to your wife. Keep in mind that husband and wife both are equal partner in the marriage. Support your wife in all kind of circumstances. Do not hurt or criticize her anyway. ● Always be pleasant with your wife ● ► Always be kind and friendly with your wife. Keep in mind that “What we give is what we get back.” If you treat your wife in positive way you will certainly get more love, attention and respect from your wife. Always arrive home in a happy mood even if you had a bad day at office or is physically tired after driving through the traffic jams. A good husband always performs his responsibilities honestly, he always takes care of his wife at all cost. His this type of behavior impresses his wife and consequently she loves and respects him more. ● Give proper time to your wife ● ► Giving proper time to your wife. Share your views on different matter with her. Don’t you know that good communication helps in building trust and make your relationship more powerful? Keep in mind that husband and wife are good friends. You must trust her. Do not hide anything or keep secrets from your wife. Be honest to her. If you are facing any kind of problem don’t hesitate to share with her. She may help you in this regard. When you don’t have secrets, you don’t have to be in a constant tension, control what you are saying, etc. As a result, you don’t have to spend your energy on all that stuff and rubbish. Instead, you may feel at ease next to your wife and discuss more interesting things with her. You can also use your energy for more pleasant and useful things, such as creativity and self-perfection. A good husband always deals with his wife with much love and care. He remembers the special days of her spouse’s life and tries his best to give her a valuable gift. He often takes her out for a pleasant dinner or shopping. He knows that women need care constantly, so he tries his best to take care of his wife as much as he can. ● Try to understand your wife ● ► Being a good husband it is very essential for you to understand your wife. Understanding your wife not only means that you know her liking and disliking. In addition, it is also very essential that you must know what is the thinking of your wife, what are her thoughts about different matters. Keeping view this you should deal with her. You should co-operate her in various deeds. ● Be a good listener ● ► It is also an important quality of a good husband that when his wife talks to him he pays full attention and listens her words very carefully. He knows that her wife is a good partner of his life. He listens keenly to her wife’s problems and tries to solve them immediately. Faithfulness is one of the most important qualities of a good husband. Remember that when you got married you took the sacred vows. Therefore it is very necessary to fulfill all the responsibilities that you have taken upon the day you got married. == > MOST IMPORTANTLY COME ON BROTHERS = LETS NOT LET OUR WIVES DOWN !!! So there you have it. If you are a father or a husband, ALLAH has given you a chance to play your best. Playing your best at being a good dad and husband is like playing the greatest game of all. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ► Whatever written of Truth and benefit is only due to *ALLAH*’s Assistance and Guidance, and whatever of error is of me. Allah (Subhanahu wa Taala) Alone Knows Best and He is the Only Source of Strength. ▌▌▌ FOLLOW NONE BUT DA TRUTH ▌▌▌▌ ===== > ( NEW GROUP ) < ===== ▌CLICK ▌LIKE ▌SHARE ▌ ╔═════════════════╔═════════════════╗ splashurl/lgkhs24 ╚═════════════════╝╚════════════════╝ _______________+88 _______________+880 _______________++880 _______________++880 ________________+880 ________________+8880 ________________++880 ________________++888_____+++88 ________________++8888__+++8880++88 ________________+++8888+++8880++8888 _________________++888++8888+++888888++8888 _________________++88++8888++8888888++888888 _________________++++++888888888888888888_+88 __________________++++++88888888888888888_++8 __________________++++++++000888888888888+88 ___________________+++++++000088888888888_88 ____________________+++++++00088888888888 _____________________+++++++088888888888 _____________________+++++++088888888888 ______________________+++++++8888888888 ______________________+++++++0088888888 ______________________++++++0088888888 ______________________++++++00888888l AND PLEASE ADD YOURSELF TO THE BOTTOM GROUP AS WELL. ▌CLICK ▌JOIN ▌AND ADD ▌ ( INSHALLAH ) ╔═════════════════╔═════════════════╗ splashurl/lqu28sp ╚═════════════════╝╚════════════════╝ │▒│ /▒/ │▒│/▒/ │▒ /▒/─┬─┐ │▒│▒|▒│▒│ ┌┴─┴─┐-┘─┘ │▒┌──┘▒▒▒│ └┐▒▒▒▒▒▒┌┘ └┐▒▒▒▒┌┘ أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله و أشهد أن محمد رسول الل
Posted on: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 19:39:58 +0000

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