When I “opened the doors” to my business and got the first - TopicsExpress


When I “opened the doors” to my business and got the first deal I cannot tell you how happy I was. I mean the thought that someone would trust me and my little operation was quite an honor. I didn’t charge much for the project as I was more interested in building a sustainable business. Back then I made my money on volume meaning I would charge lower prices which led to more clients and more importantly it gave me cash flow. As time went on what I began to realize was that in order for this thing to be all I envisioned it being, I would have to cut back on those smaller projects that didn’t pay as well, raise my prices and only do the projects that were worth my time. It was the only way I could build the business I deserved. *** A lot of us make the mistake of going through life taking on those smaller projects…that don’t pay well. Projects like he says, she says, they say, fix him, fix her and other forms of nonsense that at the end of the day add no value. As a result we stay right where we are, never growing, never reaching our full life potential. Starting today, raise your prices, realize just how special you are and then…only take on those projects that are worth your time. It’s the only way you’ll ever build the life you deserve. Make your life beautiful friend!
Posted on: Fri, 08 Aug 2014 20:05:17 +0000

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