When I speak of Christ-consciousness I am referring to the degree - TopicsExpress


When I speak of Christ-consciousness I am referring to the degree of our awareness. Our awareness of ourselves. I sometimes ask people, Who are you when no one is looking? All of us wear a social mask, what psychologists often refer to as an ego. It is the image you have of yourself or the self-image you present to the world. What most people do not yet know, however, is that your ego, this image of yourself you display before the world, is not who you really are at all. The real you is beneath and beyond the image you carry around in your head as to who you are, the image you want everyone to see and believe is you. The Christian theologian, Teilhard de Chardin put it like this: We are not human beings having a spiritual experience, we are really spiritual beings having a temporary human experience. Until you know this, or know who you really are in the deepest place within you, you will live an unconscious, or out-of-touch, existence. Or, to state it another way, the path to real happiness and wholeness in life starts with knowing who you are, as well as who youre not. So, this is part of what I mean by Christ-consciousness or what Easterners call your Buddha-nature. You could think of this in Biblical terms as the soul, provided you dont get too Platonic about it and think of your soul as a separate entity captured temporarily in your body. I am referring only to your essential nature-who you really are beneath the facades-and there can be many of these. The ego in us is always changing and eventually dissolving. People will often ask me, How will I know when I know who I really am? And, the answer is, When you no longer have to ask the question. ~ Yosef Leon https://youtube/watch?v=fpa3ZDHvJbA
Posted on: Sat, 06 Dec 2014 04:21:07 +0000

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