When I wake up in the Land of Glory, And with the saints I will - TopicsExpress


When I wake up in the Land of Glory, And with the saints I will tell my story. There will be one Name that I proclaim. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, just that Name words from a Big Daddy Weave song...love the beat!!! This may be a long one, so hold on! Getting straight to the point (those of you who know me well understand my blunt nature at times), I want to preface that Matt and I do not believe in the prosperity gospel. In other words, we do not believe in giving in order to get. We give because thats the example Christ set for us. John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he GAVE His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life. We know we are called to love others as Christ loves us...love others more than ourselves. Daily we both fail at this task (how thankful we are for His grace!!) But, with Gods wisdom and strength guiding us, there are times we do succeed. Ive struggled how to present one of the ways (among the many) that God chose to recently bless us. Our prayer in sharing this is to show how REAL God is-and how He shows up in SPECIFIC ways...especially when we obey (so hard at times!!!) A couple of weeks ago I was speaking with Matt about giving some money to a local benefit. He agreed about the amount, excited to give since we have been blessed in our situation with Shephard. When I hung up the phone a bigger number popped in my head. I silently argued (you all do it too...Im not as crazy as I appear) no way! You want us to give that? Seriously!?! As soon as my mind was quiet, the number popped in there again. Are you sure? Yes Brady, Im sure. I knew I needed to be obedient, so I went and got the money and gave it. I then went about my day thinking nothing else about it. That afternoon I checked the mail and there was a check for that EXACT amount!!! I was ecstatic!!! Matt was at the Auburn game, so I kept texting him to call me. I was floored! Well, the story doesnt end there. About two hours later, my mom came over and handed me an envelope that she had held onto for a while. I opened it and inside there was an encouraging note from a neighbor...and a check for the same amount!!! God was so evident in our situation that I wanted to shout it out to everybody!!! Hear me: if we had never monetarily been blessed back, I wouldnt have thought twice about it. I didnt expect that. As stated earlier, we dont give to get. We attempt to give cheerfully because He gave His Sons life. Our true blessing is being given eternal life up there with Him!!!! On another note, how about the Auburn Tigers this weekend? I needed some blood pressure medication during that one!!! War Eagle! Sorry about the rabbit trail. ; ) As I do every week, Im going to post prayer requests. Several people have come up to us and told us that we are making a difference. It finally hit me today...we arent the ones making a difference. Its full circle: yall are praying for us and Gods showing His faithfulness, His power, His strength, His wisdom...the list could go on and on. We arent making a difference. We ALL are. It really is amazing to be apart of this journey. With all that said, keep on praying!!! To encourage yall, Shep is doing amazing!!! I really believe that all of us praying in agreement is the reason why. Heres this weeks requests: 1. Health for our entire family and those who help us 2. Blood counts to be where they need to be so Shep can receive treatment 3. For Shep to stay in remission and remain cancer free forever!!! 4. For strength and wisdom when Matt and i feel weak. For communication to continue and for protection in our marriage. 5. Sheps about to receive a lot of chemo. For there to be no sickness or adverse side effects 6. For our family to grow closer to Christ and each other during our journey. For us to always thank Him for and through everything! 7. On Monday, for Shep to wake up from anesthesia peacefully. (He did AWESOME last week...answered prayer!!!)
Posted on: Mon, 21 Oct 2013 02:21:48 +0000

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