When I was a child, I was punished if I got caught lying. I was - TopicsExpress


When I was a child, I was punished if I got caught lying. I was taught that stealing was wrong. Thieves would go to jail if they were caught stealing. I was taught that cruelty or mean treatment of other people was wrong, and that it was never OK to hurt or harm or kill unless you were protecting someone from danger or you were defending yourself from a threat. I was raised in a Baptist church, and I never heard any preacher or minister preaching social justice. They taught me to read the Bible, study the Bible, and pray to God for understanding. They taught me how to pray for my brothers and sisters, not for selfish needs or wants, but for Gods abundant grace. At school when I was a kid, the norm was a brown bag or a lunch box with a bologna or a PB&J sandwich, an apple, Maybe a cookie or some potato chips. The rich kids bought lunch tickets and the poor kids brown-bagged it. And there wasnt any shame in it. When I was a kid, I learned that if I misbehaved, there would be miserable consequences. So, I didnt misbehave. I feared the heavy hand of discipline, and it kept me out of trouble, and it demonstrated to me that my parents loved me enough that they didnt spare me the rod of discipline. That lesson was invaluable when I became a parent. When I was a kid, I learned that it is Godly to love your wife, even as Christ loves the church. I learned that to love, honor and respect your spouse was obeying God. I learned that I was fortunate to have a Mother and a Father that loved me, and loved each other. I learned that many children were not blessed as I was to have both parents in their home. Today, America has fallen away from the ideals that were the bedrock foundation America was built on, and which led to Americas prosperity and innovation. The traditional family has been under assault in the media, and in the halls of congress, and by the liberal purveyors of the so-called show-business pop-culture. The children of today are under constant assault by those pushing alternative lifestyles, which, to people of my faith, are evil, sinful, and very harmful to children of all ages. Is it any wonder that America is 17 Trillion dollars in debt? America has been going morally bankrupt for about 100 years. The progressive liberals have attacked the basic structure, the true building-blocks of any prosperous and morally upright nation. They have claimed to be helping by creating entitlement programs, and then slowly turning people who have unlimited potential into dependent, growth-stunted mental adolescents who were told growing up and adopting the morals of our founders was no longer in vogue, and that all any America had to do to cash in on the American dream was to just show up and stick your hand out. Even as the nation is on the literal verge of complete and total collapse, the people who made this happen are busy continuing to try to perpetuate the LIE that nothing is really wrong, we just need to raise taxes some more on the people who had the misfortune of being raised with strong morals and a high work ethic. The left has no plan except to lie, steal from Social Security, and enslave future generations for as far as the eye can see, to crippling, debilitating debt, and a life of shared misery and no hope. Every time liberals succeed in creating another program to solve a societal problem, they actually make the problem worse, and worse yet, they make the problem permanent.(and this is absolutely true) The New Deal was called the war on poverty. Poverty has only gotten worse under this misguided plan. Liberals have a perfect track-record of failure. And yet, the sycophantic news media, the crooks and corporate crony lobbyists continue to have an obscene amount of influence on public policy. Common sense tells us that the madness has GOT TO STOP! The cure to all this reckless spending and waste is going to be unpleasant for many many people who have for too long failed to live up to the Moral Imperative I spoke of in the second hour of the Friday episode of Conservative Junction Radio.(blogtalkradio/conservativejunctionradio/2013/10/25/conservative-junction-radio) Join me for the show on Monday, as we address the road to restoring Americas moral footing, and the Moral Imperative for our young people. And please pray for this effort. It is the most important mission I can think of.
Posted on: Mon, 28 Oct 2013 04:47:57 +0000

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