When I was in the USMC, we were taught not to die for our county, - TopicsExpress


When I was in the USMC, we were taught not to die for our county, but to make the enemy die for theirs, all in the name of a Christian God and what he wanted for the USA. Yeah, what a God from the minds of Middle Easterners wanted for the USA. Let that sink in for a minute. This is fact and every Marine can attest to this. It was all quite confusing to me. At that time I wanted to believe in a loving God that hated violence. The USMC and the bible had different ideas in store for me. You see, at time I had not read the bible yet. Boy, was I in for a BIG surprise. The guys that slammed those planes into the WTC, were not lunatics, nor cowards; they were not ignorant, as they were able to fly commercial airliners into buildings. Those men, as fanatics are, were faithfully committed to the God they believe in, the very same God of the Old Testament, to the point of giving their lives for that God. No one took their lives. They volunteered for a mission that they knew would end their lives. There were no other options for them. Thats how faithful they were to God. Not one Marine I served with was willing to do this. Not one Marine I knew was willing to be the martyr that Jesus was supposed to have been and, without a doubt, those men, who took out the WTC, were. This is why its all still very confusing. I have discovered a couple of things about gods and religion. 1. People have to bend and distort both, so they make sense. 2. I have discovered it is all about location, location, LOCATION, and not really about any gods that care, intervene, manipulate or certainly not love, their children. I do not think a loving God should be confusing to those that are supposed to be his children. And he damn sure should not abuse them, EVER! My point of the post is, its all to confusing and contradictory for me to ever see it as anything but a problem. I offer free thinking, requiring the use of our independent brains, free from the news, thinking that includes the thoughts of those, who we say we know, but really only see what the American propaganda machine wants us to see. We are ALL being duped and its a global phenomenon!!! On ALL sides of the fences. As long as we publicly express a religious preferences, those that wish to oppress us, will continue to use those preferences to do just that. I am more of an enemy to the machine than any believed will ever be. Simply because I cannot be oppressed by religion or the public display of a godly preference, thus taking that power away from those that would use it against me.
Posted on: Thu, 08 Jan 2015 03:35:48 +0000

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