‘When Jesus found little knoll, He made Himself comfortable and - TopicsExpress


‘When Jesus found little knoll, He made Himself comfortable and said to His disciples, “Happiness doesn’t come from being rich. You can be poor and still be happy because you know that God’s whole kingdom is yours. “Happiness can come to those who are hungry because they know that one day their hunger will be satisfied. Happiness can come to those who weep because they know that one day their lives will be full of laughter. “Happiness can come out of situations where men hate you, refuse to associate with you, insult you and falsely accuse your before authorities because of me. When that happens to you, don’t be sad, because heaven knows all about it and is ready to reward and honour you for it. What you’ll go through for me will be no different from what the prophets went through. “I feel sorry for people whose only purpose in life is to be accepted and well spoken of. That’s the same kind of happiness that motivates false prophets. Love Your Enemies ‘“Let me tell you how to experience real happiness. Love our enemies, do something good for those who don’t like you, say something good about those who curse you, and pray for those who mistreat you and exploit you to further their own interests. If anyone slaps your face, don’t hit him back. Let him slap you on the other cheek also. Have the same attitude when someone comes to rob you; don’t fight with him. If he wants your coat, let him have it. If he wants your shirt, let him have that too. Give something to everyone who asks you to help them. If someone borrows something from you and you keep reminding him to return it but he keeps forgetting let him have it. Treat everyone as you would like them to treat you. “If you care only about those who care about you, what’s so different about that? Thieves and gang members care about each other too. If you love only those who love you, do you expect to be rewarded for that? Sinners do the same thing. If you lend money, tools or other things only to those from whom you expect some kind of return, what’s so great about that? But show your enemies what love is by doing nice things for them. Don’t do it to get something back from them. You’ll be rewarded for what you do because you’re the children of God who is kind and gracious, even to the ungrateful and wicked. So be merciful and kind as your heavenly Father is.” Judging Others ‘“Don’t judge or condemn people for what they’ve done to you; God doesn’t condemn you for the hurts you have caused Him. He forgives you. Treat others the same way. Have a giving attitude in all you do and you’ll get back more than you give. God will return blessing to you abundantly-packed in and flowing over. Whatever you give out to others will be given back to you. ‘“Can blind people lead blind people? Won’t they both fall into the ditch? Why, then, follow someone who doesn’t know where he’s going or what he’s doing? You see, discipleship means following your Teacher and not doing things contrary to what He taught you.”’ Luke 6:20-49. The Clear Word
Posted on: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 10:25:48 +0000

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