When Jesus had to face the people of that time they were living in - TopicsExpress


When Jesus had to face the people of that time they were living in their own dream world. A false-world that they came to a collective conclusion was reality - they had all over some time agreed on what they believed is the truth. They were all gaining from their false beliefs to some degree and it suited their needs and wants and egos. Heaven help the poor person who went up against them and proved them wrong - when a rat is in a corner it becomes vicious and attacks. Jesus had the hard battle of trying to get through to the people that what they thought was real and true was in fact them living a lie. They were living a fantasy. They had an opinion of what life was, religious or not, and everyone had the right to choose (to some degree) what life they wanted to live in their opinions. It is so easy to live a lie. First you and a group of other people get together and come up with some idea of what life is about and you can add, takeaway or adjust views, thoughts, rules and laws according to the shifts in public opinion or the wants of those in power at the time. We come to the question though, Is the majority always right? Are they right today? Now at the time of Jesus on earth the religious were all wrong, none knew the way and none were the Light. They were arrogant, mislead, and very spiritually lost. Be alive enough to be wise enough to look out of the square - keep your mind sharp and willing to learn so that you will not miss the truth when it comes your way. Many people live their entire lives as half-Christians or even less. many people follow astrology and other things in the hope that they will find the answers that we have always wanted, the meaning to life etc. There is only one truth. Never stop learning and never stop wanting to learn, and if you keep up your faith in God He will reward you with more and more knowledge. There is much to learn for the humble servant who wants to know the Truths from the Living God. All the best from James M Sandbrook. Consensus Reality: (Wikipedia) Consensus reality is that which is generally agreed to be reality, based on a consensus view. The difficulty with the question stems from the concern that human beings do not in fact fully understand or agree upon the nature of knowledge or knowing, and therefore it is not possible to be certain beyond doubt what is real. Accordingly, this line of logic concludes, we cannot in fact be sure beyond doubt about the nature of reality. We can, however, seek to obtain some form of consensus, with others, of what is real. We can use this consensus as a pragmatic guide, either on the assumption that it seems to approximate some kind of valid reality, or simply because it is more practical than perceived alternatives. Consensus reality therefore refers to the agreed-upon concepts of reality which people in the world, or a culture or group, believe are real (or treat as real), usually based upon their common experiences as they believe them to be; anyone who does not agree with these is sometimes stated to be in effect... living in a different world. Throughout history this has also raised a social question: What shall we make of those who do not agree with consensus realities of others, or of the society they live in? Children have sometimes been described or viewed as inexperience[d] with consensus reality, although with the expectation that they will come into line with it as they mature. However, the answer is more diverse as regards such people as have been characterised as eccentrics, mentally ill, enlightened or divinely inspired, or evil or demonic in nature. Alternatively, differing viewpoints may simply be put to some kind of objective (though the nature of objectivity goes to the heart of the relevant questions) test. Cognitive liberty is the freedom to be the individuals own director of the individuals own consciousness and is fundamentally opposed to enforcement of the culturally accepted reality upon non-conforming individuals. Effects of low cognitive liberty vary from indifference to forced-medication and from social alienation to incarceration to death.
Posted on: Tue, 03 Dec 2013 08:20:39 +0000

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