When Leia was a few days old we had a placement meeting with Child - TopicsExpress


When Leia was a few days old we had a placement meeting with Child and Family Services for the state of Missouri, my mom, my sister, and my daughter and her husband. Kent and I were taking guardianship of Leia. We already had London and have had him for over a year. It was explained to us that if we took guardianship, then the state of Missouri would wash their hands of it. Honestly, we wanted the state to place her with us so we could be eligible for the services she will need. But they only way they could do that was to go through the Interstate Compact for the the Placement of Children since we were over state lines which would take 9 months to a year and in the meantime she would be placed in fostercare or a convalescent home...... So we decided we would just take guardianship and figure out the rest from there. My brother in law drew up guardianship papers for us. The social worker at the hospital was going to notarize them for us. Before this was done I got a call from DCFS wanting Kent and I to sign a safety plan. We agreed to do that. That very night we met the a caseworker at the hospital and signed the safety plan. This way Kent and I had all the say as far as Leias medical treatment. I explained to the caseworker that I hadnt signed guardianship papers yet and the reason why was when I signed those papers, DCFS would wash their hands of it all (and she agreed with me) I told her the papers clearly stated that the guardianship was temporary and could be terminated at anytime. The parents could show up the very next day and take these kids from me and she also agreed that was true. I asked her how I needed to handle it. She said she would talk to her supervisor to see how to handle it and get back to me. So... Leia has her surgery and we know that she will be getting released so today I signed the guardianship papers. I knew if I didnt sign them, she wouldnt be released to me. When I asked the social worker to notarize them she told me that the hospital had filed an affidavit for the state of missouri to take custody of Leia. I told her that is not what the plan was between the state of missouri and my husband and I. She said the affidavit was filed on November 18 and the DCFS worker knew about it. She encouraged me to go ahead and sign the papers because that would be something that DCFS could present to the court and say, We have willing grandparents to take the child and they already have the sibling. So we signed them. I again explained to her that isnt what the plan was between the state of missouri and us and she said she was sorry that it wasnt explained better.... I even asked my mom and my sister if I had misunderstood what took place in that original meeting and no I had NOT. Fast forward to tonight. The DCFS caseworker shows up at the hospital and informs my daughter that state is now taking custody of Leia. They call me on speaker phone and tell me that we do NOT get Leia. She at first led me to believe it was because I hadnt signed the papers until today and I reminded her of the conversation she and I had about my concerns of signing them and she was to talk to her supervisor and call me back and she never did. She claims that the Social Worker at the hospital said that she told Kent and I that Leia would be going to foster care and that we were in agreement. That is NOT true... Someone is flat out lying. There is a court hearing on Thursday to make Leia officially a ward of the state. I asked if Kent and I came if there would be any way a judge would let us have her and she said, No Mrs. Adams.. We are still showing up for court anyway... It cant hurt.... In the meantime I was contacted by facebook friend that is a foster parent in Missouri.... We are going to see what we can do about having her placed with her....Its several hours away but I know shell be cared for... My heart feels like its breaking into a million pieces...
Posted on: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 02:21:34 +0000

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