When a group of strangers torments, terrorizes, & harms a person, - TopicsExpress


When a group of strangers torments, terrorizes, & harms a person, their partner, & their families because these strangers have decided the person & their partner dont belong together, whether it be they are going through a ruff patch in their relationship, or the are different ethnicities, or have different cultural back rounds, regardless of the strangers reasoning these people are tools of Evil & no better then Adolf Hitler or any other monstrous tyrannical psycho. Nobody has the right to force their opinions or beliefs on anyone. God gifted every man & every woman with free will & the right to make what choice they will so long as they are not forcing another to do as they want them or injuring another for any reason other than self defense. These strangers are lying to themselves, their victims, & everyone around them. They do not torment, terrorize, hurt, whore, & control by threat of harm to the persons loved ones no matter what they say. They do so because they were being selfish & self centered, they didnt believe or help a loved one in their past & lost that loved one. They do it because they dont want to have to try & live a normal life with the sorrow but more so the guilt of having been able to protect their loved ones but chose instead to turn their back on them. They do it because they want to stay high & want everyone else to hurt as much as they do, to feel as bad about themselves as they do, they do it because they dont want to have to face the wrongs theyve committed or are running from the debt they owe the loved one they failed. What makes these strangers believe that they are better then the ones theyve waived their private war on. Let me assure those strangers one thing. YOU ARE NO BETTER THEN THE PERSON WHO HURT YOUR LOVED ONE, YOUR WORSE. The people who brought such sorrow into your existence, they at least dont lie about what they are about & blame their actions on the past sins of strangers long gone. If you were truly righteous in your cause you wouldnt be spending the money you earn on the violation of another persons body, you wouldnt use that money to better your life, support your illegal habits, & letchurious lifestyles, you wouldnt murder people whos ONLY CRIME is loving someone especially when the same will never be said regarding you, if your intent your mission were righteous you would stand up to the penalty the laws of this land chose & trust that God would sway their hearts to you & you would be set free. But in your hearts you know they are not. You are nothing more then cowardly bullies playing at being God. It is no humans right to pass judgement on anothers life so long as they have done harm to no other nor forced their will upon another. To do so is to trespass against another & to trespass against another is to trespass against God. That is the choice they make & so long as they have the strength to do so to another that is their choice & their will. All that we do in this life we will carry with us & as we stand before our maker nothing will you be able to hide. I live my life by this belief regardless of what another chooses to do to me. I know I have made mistakes, have not always made the right choice, do NOT know everything & am at times wrong, but I also know that I have never trespassed against another nor my Creator so I do never fear standing in judgement before him. Strangers said,stay away he is no good for you!. Although that should be my choice to make the coin I will pay to do so is far to great, the coin paid already is too great. But strangers win, I will suffer that heart ache, an 11 yr old bere the burden of your cowardice & suffer that heart ache also. Strangers WILL leave EVERYONE alone!!!!!!!!!
Posted on: Wed, 05 Mar 2014 09:16:31 +0000

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