When a man loves a woman (Part 24)… I have always been a big - TopicsExpress


When a man loves a woman (Part 24)… I have always been a big fan of social media. For someone whose life revolved much around studying and nothing else, it made sense that I took much to social media to chatting with people from all around the world. Lately though I had often neglected the medium as I directed most of my thoughts and energies to pursuing KK. Tonight though, tired after a fun filled day and an equally entertaining pizza night with Sicelo and Lindi, I arrived in my room, very tired and just slumped onto my bed. For the first time in a while I grabbed my phone and decided to put up a status. I wondered what to say. This was so unlike me. Suddenly I didn’t wana share much of my life on social media. After checking out some few postings by friends, I decided to share something with the online community. It simply read “Very tired after a long and fun filled day. Gotta sleep and rest because tomorrow morning is church”. With that I put my phone aside, switched off my side lamp and was ready to sleep. But then a “bleep” sound from my phone stopped me in my tracks. I grabbed the phone and took a look. Someone had commented on my status. The comment was a simple one: “Are you leaving me behind? I also wana go to church you know”. It was very unexpected. I didn’t hesitate to write my reply: “church starts at 9am. Please be ready at 8am and I will fetch you on my way there”. There was no way I could have said no to KK wanting to come to church with me, absolutely not a chance of that happening. I hoped she wasn’t just joking. That’s the thing about social media, so many jokes gets thrown around you never know when one is actually serious about something. Her reply was sweet and simple: “see you at 8am then”. It settled all my being unsure. I smiled alone as I began thinking about how Sunday was about to get more exciting. ************************************************ Going to church on Sunday morning had always been one of my most enjoyable times. Often I’ll go alone, once in a while Sicelo will join me, and on a very good day, Lindi will come along too. Today though was the best. Having Koketso come with me to church really made my day. I learned that she rarely went to church on Sunday mornings, and that she always went to the SCF in the evenings. I was the kinda opposite, always at church in the morning and attending the SCF once in a while. I guess that explained why our paths never really crossed over the past few years. Nevertheless they finally did and now that we knew each one’s favourite hanging spot, we were going to make sure we always bump onto each other somehow. By the time church came out at 12 we were both starving. It was difficult deciding which eating place we were going to go for. Eventually we opted for Mike’s kitchen in Parktown. We really just wanted an excuse to see the Wits business school buildings because we both harbored aspirations of coming back there one day to do our post grad courses in business. Mike’s kitchen is a stone throw away from this campus and most of the people hanging out there are the business school students. So it gave us some kind of feel of what it will be like attending there. Luckily the place wasn’t too full when we arrived. We both hated crowds and so that was a plus. We soon placed our orders and as we waited, the conversation shifted to something we had spoken about the previous day, the upcoming engineers ball. I was determined to ensure that by the time we parted, she would have agreed to come. After all time was running out. “Remember my friend Lindi? “ I started the discussion towards the ball issue. “The one going out with your friend Sicelo?” “Yeah that one. Well, she works part time at this boutique in Rosebank. Last night I spoke to her and she promised she can get you the perfect dress for the ball and at a reasonable price too. Apparently they getting some new stock tomorrow, and she reckons if we interested then she can take us there in the evening. So what do you say?” “You don’t give up easily do you?”, she said that with a smile. “You the one who said the dress will be the main obstacle, and I said I will make a plan. So this is my plan.” “I think I still wana think a bit about it hey.” I could tell by her facial expression that she wasn’t serious about that, and that she just wanted me to dig deep to get her yes. So I decided to raise the stakes. “Well, you better decide quickly because if you going to say yes, then I need ample time to go take dancing lessons you know.” She literally laughed at me, “You must be joking?” “No I’m not, and I was hoping you also may teach me a few steps”. “Oh my gosh, you crazy” I leaned over to her and began talking with a whispering voice. She also leaned forward so that she could hear what it was I wanted to say. It was exactly what I wanted. So I continued with my whispering voice: “I don’t want anyone else here to hear this but I think I am a little bit crazy. I think I’m crazy about you”. “Oh geez, get out of here”, was her reply as she leaned back into her chair before taking a sip from her juice. I might be wrong but I think I did catch a slight glimpse of her blushing. “Seriously though, let’s just go check out the dresses. I mean what have you got to lose?” By the time our food arrived, we had agreed to go check out the dresses and so partly she had committed to coming to the ball with me. I was ecstatic. But there was one problem though…….………(To be continued).
Posted on: Sun, 11 Aug 2013 22:39:31 +0000

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