## When is the best time to practice yoga? ## Yoga is a - TopicsExpress


## When is the best time to practice yoga? ## Yoga is a wonderful way to stay healthy and fit. It not only helps you stay fit, but it also helps relieve the symptoms of various diseases like joint pain, arthritis, cervical spondylitis, breathing disorders and even some mental ailments. While the various forms of yoga can be performed according to your fitness levels, the time at which you practice also matters. Here are 6 rules on picking the time of your yoga practice. Rule#1: Mornings are the best time According to Dr.Phulgenda Sinha, author of the book Yogic Cure for Common Diseases, yoga is best practiced in the morning, before breakfast (on an empty stomach), but if you are strapped for time or are simply not in the mood, during the waking hours of the day, you can choose to practice at any other time of the day, provided your stomach is empty and not full with food. This is because after you have eaten it takes your body about three to four hours to completely digest and assimilate the food you have eaten. Rule# 2: Wait a few hours after your meals If you have eaten a meal, it is best to wait for three to four hours before you start your yoga practice. Additionally, if you have had tea, coffee, juice or any other liquid just before you decide to start your practice, wait for at least half an hour before you start. Rule #3: Make sure you are relaxed before you start While you are free to choose the time of your yoga practice, make sure your body is in a restful and normal state before you start. Yoga requires focus and flexibility, both of which can be achieved by being relaxed before you start. Rule #4: Pick a time and stick to it According to Dr.Phulgenda, the time you choose to do your asanas does not make too much of a difference, but it is essential that you make sure you practice it at the same time every day. Therefore, picking a time that is convenient to you matters, as you are more likely to repeat the practice at the same time on a regular basis. Rule #5: Continue doing yoga consistently to see a difference Essentially, a set of yoga poses should be practiced for at least five to six days a week to see some kind of change in your body; be it weight loss, relief from stress or any other symptoms. Rule #6: Don’t over do it It is advisable that you practice yoga only once in a day, unless your yoga teacher specifically asks you to practice more than once.
Posted on: Wed, 27 Aug 2014 05:35:28 +0000

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