When it comes to school and work, no matter what we do, we are - TopicsExpress


When it comes to school and work, no matter what we do, we are likely on time because this is our future and this puts food on our table and this helps us become successful, so whatever it is we do, we are doing our BEST, literally OUR BEST to impress our boss or our teachers to be the best student/employee. With work, we are deducted pay if we show up late. If we show up late often, we are going to be fired. If we dont show up to work without a phone call letting them know your situation, you are likely to be fired. So if we are on our best behaviour, we will get a raise and maybe get promoted. With school, when we hand in an assignment late, we are deducted marks. When we don’t show up for class, it hurts our attendance, that could lead to being removed from the class and the school itself. So what do we do? We show up for as many classes possible, on time and handing every single assignment on time reaping the rewards of being a good student. Why aren’t we the same with our salah? It’s because we don’t reap physical rewards like we do at school or work. We don’t physically get punished by missing a salah or praying it late. But little do we know, that it directly affects our iman (faith) and we are committing sins each time we miss our salah. The Prophet Muhammad (Peace & Blessings Be Upon Him) said: “The difference between a believer and a non believer, is prayer (salah)” [Muslim] Many scholars deem that missing our salah can take you out of the fold of Islam, so why aren’t we fearing that? Why are we so in love with our dunya (world) when our akhira (hereafter) is just as important? We fear our bosses and we fear getting kicked out school and deducted marks but do not fear the punishment of our creator and getting close to Him which will make us successful with our work and our school. Just as you know you are getting a physical reward with school and work, believe you are getting a physical reward with your salah by praying it on time and not missing it. You could leave this world tomorrow, don’t leave it neglecting your salah for work or school. Pray your salah and insha’Allah, you’ll be successful in this world and the hereafter. Fear Allah SWT more than you fear your bosses because your rizq (sustenance), success is with Him and not with your bosses or teachers.
Posted on: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 00:31:07 +0000

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