When life hands you lessons – share them I love homework. - TopicsExpress


When life hands you lessons – share them I love homework. Actually, that is such a lie. I actually really hate, I mean, appreciate the challenges homework offers. I will drag my feet for as long as possible before finally being so close to the wire that I have no choice but to do the work. This has been a lifetime practice of mine. My style has its owns stresses that come with it, however, I do my best work under pressure so I’ve come to realize it’s not really a problem as long as I give myself enough time to actually do the assignments. That being said, I have discovered some surprising gems my life has provided me while doing some homework on marketing, of all subjects (just further proof that the greatest gifts come from unexpected places). The lesson I learned growing up: It’s more important to be proud of yourself for your decisions than to do things that go against your core values in order to have others be proud of you. I remember having an argument with my dad when I was in my teenage years (God bless my parents). Inside my angsty and sullen exterior, I’d always been a really well-behaved people pleaser that did my best to make my family proud. There was a specific moment in the conversation that my dad said something to the effect of “I’m disappointed in this behavior” and I clearly recall a loud voice popping up in my head that said “Well, I’m not.” It was the first moment I can remember my Inner Wisdom talking to me. I felt for the first time so sure of myself and my decisions even if they weren’t currently high on my parent’s list of moments in my life. It was the beginning of a long road of self-discovery. The lesson I learned about changing careers: The traditional route doesn’t work for everyone. When you no longer believe in what you’re doing or are passionate about what you do, it’s time to move on. I tried. I really did. I tried to have a desk job with a cubicle in an office with people that worked 8-6 and came in early and left late and worked weekends and ate at their desks and got benefits with dental and got paid a pretty decent salary. I did it pretty happily for the first few years. But then I got bored. And I got promoted to a department that I didn’t really believe in to sell products that I didn’t really think people needed. And I tried to hang on until I was so flippin’ unhappy that I couldnd’t stand it anymore. My solution was to quit my job and go to Hawaii for three months to become a yoga instructor. These sort of radical jumps don’t work for everyone but it worked happily ever after for me. The lesson I learned about taking on new projects: Sometimes you don’t know why you do things, they just call to you. Sometimes you’ve been ramping up your whole life to do something and one moment will tell you what that thing is. People ask me why I decided to go to school to become a Life Coach. And I answer quite honestly: I have no idea but everything in my cells were screaming at me to go do it. So I did it. No questions asked. My life said, “Go forth, it’s time to do something BIG.” And enrolling in school seemed like the BIG thing life was asking me to do. It’s been one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. And the only reason I did it was because my Inner Wisdom said, “NO CHOICE!” The longer I’ve been in training, the more I’ve come to realize that it’s something I’ve been working toward my entire life. Hindsight is so funny. Finding love: The change in people, and yourself, can surprise you when you start living your life in alignment with who you really are. My “love person” and I have had a unique history. We struggled for a long time to make our relationship work, we fought tooth and nail to get things exactly right. We loved each other hard but in the end we realized it just wasn’t working. So we had probably the most loving break-up in the history of breakups. Months went on and I realized how much I had failed the relationship and myself. I got myself some relationship mentoring. I did a lot of inner work. I formulated my game plan for my next guy. And then the next guy showed up. He had done the same work I had done, he had formulated the same game plan, he had come to the exact same conclusions as me. He had become the person he wanted to be in the world and in a relationship. He just happened to be the same guy I had been with months prior. I would have never predicted our path, but if life has taught me something it is that we cannot predict anything. If you’re curious to explore this further yourself, make a list of at least 3 pivotal moments in your life. When you think about why they were pivotal, what were the lessons in them? Share with your friends and family. Share with me! (head over to the blog to inspire and share with others! fb.me/14Y15libX)
Posted on: Mon, 16 Sep 2013 15:24:52 +0000

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