When my daughter was one month old, I went to visit some dear - TopicsExpress


When my daughter was one month old, I went to visit some dear friends and take them a few groceries and other little things I thought they might need. They were both elderly with no family nearby and it was always a wonderful time spent visiting and talking with them and their daughter, Alice. Alice had been born with Downs Syndrome and she loved when visitors came and spent some time sitting with her and looking at the beautiful drawings she had made. This was the first time I had been to their home since the birth of my daughter, and the first time that they had seen my precious little one. The parents took turns holding her, talking to her and my daughter loved their attention and smiled along with their smiles and mine. Alice was watching us the entire time...she was not speaking but I could tell she was interested in what we were all doing and especially in this new little baby who she had never seen before. I took my daughter over to sit next to Alice and immediately she looked at me and smiled such a beautiful smile. She watched as my daughter sucked her thumb, beginning to fall asleep and then softly said to me, Can I hold her please? I smiled and gently laid the baby in her arms. My daughter immediately opened her sleepy eyes, smiled the biggest smile at Alice and began to coo at her. Alice lit up like a candle glowing so beautifully and she began to talk back to my daughter in baby talk. The love that flowed from each of these beautiful creations and gifts from God was overwhelming to me and to Alices parents. We sat there for some time, just breathing in all the love that was flowing between these two precious souls...I was crying gently....happy tears. Such a wonderous experience to behold! I wish I had a photo to share of those moments. Unfo I do not...but I hope as you read these words, you can feel within your hearts what a wonderful connection we all shared that one fine day. Alice has long since gone Home as have her dear parents. My daughter has grown into a beautiful young woman...with a beautiful attitude about life and all who share this world with us. I think about Alice and her parents often and how blessed we were to have them all in our lives. Thank you for taking the time to read this. I just wanted to share a beautiful memory with each of you today.
Posted on: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 23:33:51 +0000

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