When the Marauders joined the Order of the Phoenix James and - TopicsExpress


When the Marauders joined the Order of the Phoenix James and Sirius were almost always partnered together for missions because, although they acted stupid and immature, they were a pretty unbeatable team. But best friends could make difficult partners if one is injured during a fight. One night James was so seriously wounded that all Sirius wanted to do was drop to his knees and rescue him, help him somehow, but there were so many Death Eaters coming after them that if he stopped they would both die, they were surrounded. Fortunately Sirius had blind fury and fierce protectiveness on his side. He easily wiped out his adversaries and took James to St. Mungo’s as quickly as possible. The healers quickly and efficiently pried James out of his arms and swept him away upstairs to work on him. Sirius tried to follow but he was stopped from visiting James in the night. They held him back and kept repeating ‘family only, family only, family only’ and ignored Sirius’ insistences that they were family in all ways that were important anyway. Sirius stared helplessly after his friend unsure of what to do and trying to push his emotions away long enough to think of a plan. When James woke up he didn’t expect to see Sirius sitting on the edge of his bed, nor did he expect to see him clasping his hand or gazing down at him in that unsettling way of his that he usually used on his girlfriends. “Sirius?” he croaked weakly. “Yeah Prongs?” Sirius asked casually, glancing behind him and out the door. “What the hell are you doing?” Sirius’ eyes slid back to him, grinning devilishly and leaned in conspiratorially “They said they’d only let family members in so I may or may not have told them we’re married.” James rolled his eyes and pulled his hand out from under Sirius’ causing him to glance over his shoulder for suspicious healers. James slapped him “you couldn’t have just said we were brothers?” he asked cheerfully satisfied to see Sirius rubbing his face irritably. “Ow.” Sirius shook his head “they have you on record; they know you don’t have any brothers.” “You realise you’re mentally unstable right?” “How did YOU not realise that earlier?” “Oh for the love of Merlin. Fine! I’ll pretend but only because you’d probably get arrested if they found out you lied. I can’t let Moony’s life mission to keep you out of jail fall through.” James said crossly, folding his arms childishly across his chest. Sirius beamed “hey on the upside I think I got us voted cutest couple in the hospital.” “You’re a right royal git, you know that right?” The problem with Sirius being such a fantastic actor was that he and James became quite well known and loved in the hospital despite the brief time they spent there and both boys were easily recognised the next time they returned… Lily’s due date. James and Sirius spent the duration of Lily’s stay in St. Mungo’s deflecting indignant healers who just couldn’t believe some woman had broken up their favourite couple in such a short time. Glares were shot at both Lily and James but somehow everything worked out in Sirius’ favour. He ‘broke down’ in the waiting area and ‘confessed’ that though he was happy James had found someone he truly loved and he was trying to be a good friend he was still heartbroken over losing him. In ten minutes time Sirius had many of the female healers, and some of the males, fawning all over him and managed to acquire four dates and six names and addresses to send owls to. James tried not to beat Sirius unconscious when he winked from behind a swarm of sympathetic healers who had come to comfort him. Maybe he would make Remus Godfather after all. - Cristie
Posted on: Sun, 19 Oct 2014 09:48:11 +0000

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