When the leftists and left-leaning politicians tell you that there - TopicsExpress


When the leftists and left-leaning politicians tell you that there is a scientific consensus that man-caused Global Warming is real -- wait for it -- they are lying... Bast and Spencer examine source after supposed source of this claim and methodically destroy the credibility of every single one. Youre left with the realization that this statistic, constantly cited by left-wing politicians, is completely bogus. And the very people who beat skeptics over the head with these bogus numbers are the ones who say we are anti-science for refusing to agree with them. This explains a lot. It certainly explains the East Anglia e-mails, which sound like they were written by people who are trying to sustain a scam and are nervous about being exposed. It explains the insistence of the so-called climate science community to try to silence the work of skeptics and prevent their papers from being published. Science is not the practice of enforcing orthodoxies and siliencing apostates who question things, and yet thats what these folks do with regularity and their backers in the political realm cheer them on. And it exposes yet again the pliability of the mainstream media, which continually cites this 97 percent number without ever questioning where it came from or whether there is any basis for it. And, of course, the Mainstream Press follows in lock step to back them up, without doing any research or investigating of their own.
Posted on: Tue, 27 May 2014 16:10:00 +0000

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