When the writers of our Constitution set forth the government,they - TopicsExpress


When the writers of our Constitution set forth the government,they created three branches of government: The executive,the legislative,and the judicial.Each was given limited powers to ensure that the laws would be carried out in a just fashion.The legislative branch was to make the laws,but there were limits placed upon that even.The executive was to carry out the laws,and the judicial was to ensure that the laws did not violate the rights of the people,the governed.This form of government was primarily designed based on the consent of the governed.Lincoln summed it up clearly OF the people,by the people,and for the people.This current government is in clear violation of the peoples rights.By creating agencies such as the EPA,HHS,and others,the legislative branch has given its powers to agencies which are at the present completely out of control.The EPA doesnt act with the permission of the legislative and is enacting laws that are in clear violation of the peoples rights,the IRS is taking property from the people with no limits to what they might determine to be a violation of some tax law.The executive branch was not set forth to make laws,however the executive orders are taking the place of the legislative branch to make the laws.John Locke wrote much about the rights of a government and the rights of the people.This government has,whether knowingly or ignorantly brought us to a point in our history that with very little future effort,can turn this free nation into a two class nation,of the ruling class and the slave class.The judicial branch is now making law which is not the purpose it was designed for.Its purpose was to ensure that a law did not violate the Constitution and the rights of the people.By declaring that Obamacare was a tax,the supreme court created a law,In the various agencies the employees have now become the legislative branch of government.I picture in my mind,some college grad,from one of the many liberal colleges,run by leftist,even communist professors, sitting at a desk trying to come up with some regulation that will further limit the rights of the people,with no over sight whatsoever, for example the IRS scandal.Law enforcement has become the aggressor rather than the nice policeman on the corner who the children were told they could go to and trust for help.A dog,just excited to have company,is shot as a threat.If people have any sense,they must realize that there is no absolute guarantee that the man with the badge isnt as evil as the one he is going after.Psychological sense dictates that.I learned in the service that there are all kinds of people that are given power to exercise over others,but that didnt mean it was always carried out in a fair and decent fashion.Some led,others just drove the men like cattle.This is what we are facing now in our government.This president gas all the characteristics of every other despot that has ever come to power,and by his statement the other day that he has a pen and a phone and will not wait for the legislative branch to carry out his will,he clearly revealed his absolute desire to rule as king.America is beyond recovery.The very people we are supposed to be fighting,are in the white house advising the president,I refer to the Muslim Brotherhood who laid out its project and plans to take over America years ago.Today many will attend a church.the pastor will bring a message of hope,mote than likely telling the people that Jesus is coming soon,so just sit tight.Well maybe He is,but I feel sure that the hundreds/thousands of Christians in nations where they are being killed daily wouldnt feel so sure in that message.When Paul wrote the second letter to the Thessalonians, he wrote it to tell them that they were not experiencing the Day of the Lord, so what they were going through was just another period of tribulation or trials.As I have said many times,the prophet Habakkuk had questions,Asaph had questions,and they were here hundreds of years ago.God told Habakkuk that He was preparing a people to discipline His chosen nation.Yes Jesus is coming soon,but just maybe,not soon enough for some.I make no claim to be without fear or concern about what is coming to America,I would like to not face suffering anymore than anyone else,I only share things that are on my mind to make us all leave our comfort zones once in a while and look around at the plight of this nation.
Posted on: Sun, 19 Jan 2014 14:25:17 +0000

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