When watching such such atrocious crap, its really hard to stay - TopicsExpress


When watching such such atrocious crap, its really hard to stay detached. I believe Islam is only a real threat because those who run the world from behind the curtain (bankers and their social planners) want it to be a threat. Get the rest of us to fight Islam/Muslims while they continue to pull the strings from behind the curtain of public policy and mainstream media tripe. Its very difficult to not let your blood go to overboil when you see shit like this. Yet, that is exactly what the controllers want. But now, assume this kind of crap takes hold in your own neighborhood. What are you going to do? Point to the bankers and say its their fault, or fight the immediate threat? Conversely, as far as Muslims are concerned, WE are the real threat because our governments (the bankers arms and legs) keep on meddling in their countries affairs, pulling fast ones on all of them, trying to control their oil one way or the other. Do they realize that the bankers are behind what we do to them? If we told them, how would they react? (At the same time, if we told the Christians, how would they react??) Christians (conservative ones) in the US are force-fed this notion that all big corporations (including banks) are good because they are the embodiment of the capitalistic ideal. They dont understand that the corporate form of ownership is collectivist in nature. Collectivist with iron-fist central control - just like the old Soviet Union, Hitlers (national) socialist Germany, and every other form of tyranny that has ever beset the human race (those two were never opposites as we are always led to believe). They have unwittingly become the banker-beasts left and right arm. They think they are doing God and their country a favor when they vote for the likes of George W. or Rick Perry. So what is the solution? Hunt and shoot the Muslims? Unite with the Muslims to hunt and shoot the bankers and their henchmen? Or finally start doing what God commanded us to do: 1. Love God with all our mind, all our heart, and all our soul; 2. Love our neighbors the way we love ourselves; 3. Walk in the spirit as much as we can, and repent whenever we fail 4. Let our lives reflect God in this world as much as possible so his unseen and un-felt power can spread, unnoticed, yes, even through us miserable dupes. 5. Believe him when he said: Vengeance is mine - and just make sure it doesnt fall on us. 6. Be A WITNESS to what he did for us in our lives and the lives of others to all the world - even to the types of people in this video who are shot that poor woman (yes, its dangerous. I know). 7. TRUST HIM that HE will set thing right if we follow him in all of this. I would bet any sum that for most of us, No. 7 is the hardest of them all. THAT is the thing that requires the most courage - and restraint. At the same time, it is also the one thing that no power on earth has any weapon against - none whatsoever - if only we learn how to use it. Their only weapon is to instill so much fear in us that we wont CHOOSE to use it... and thats what has happened and what has brought us this far. Are you up for it?
Posted on: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 00:01:27 +0000

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