When we talk about revolution... this is what we are attempting to - TopicsExpress


When we talk about revolution... this is what we are attempting to instill in the minds of WE the PEOPLE. We are in a REVOLUTION right now! Our Founding Fathers did not just go right to their guns... they advocated. They demostrated the resolve to enact change, and finally in the end result... after England forced their hands with physical tyranny, they acted and won our INDEPENDENCE. Our Constitution was born... and it was written to protect our rights! The right to assemble and voice our grievances was and still is protected. We have to focus our energy on issues where we can still make a difference. This is one of those issues! Asking for the removal of our President is a nice thought and I will agree should be done... but its not one that is going to happen in the near future, but this... this is something that must be addressed by the citizens of Michigan. If you are a gun owner or 2nd Amendment supporter in Michigan, then I CHARGE you with the responsibility of getting involved at this level. We cannot allow these radical terrorist groups such as Shannon Watts group Moms Demand Action to waltz their way into Michigans state capital and start dictating what those politicians are going to do! We have to stand in mass... and DEMAND ACTION! Demand that those politicians not bend to the will of a radical terrorist organization that is bent on infringing on the rights of law-abiding citizens. Rights that are guaranteed and protected by the Constitution of the United States of America! The Founding Fathers, in their infinite wisdom, incorporated ways for us to defend against this form of terrorism and they also incorporated ways for the GUN GRABBERS to initiate change. They are strong arming politicians... when they should be trying to amend the Constitution (something thye know will never happen), so they are trying to FORCE politicians into creating unConstitutional laws! Its time the Gun Owners and 2nd Amendment supporters in this country STAND UP together and in a VOICE loud enough to rattle the foundations of every state house in this country... make a statement that will ring LOUD AND CLEAR: WE WILL NO LONGER TOLERATE THE INFRINGEMENT OF OUR RIGHTS! Its time to oganize in volume and size... and descend in a PEACEFUL demonstration upon our state capitals and send a message loud and clear to every politician in that office. WE ARE AMERICAN CITIZENS! WE HAVE BEEN GUARANTEED CERTAIN UNALIENABLE RIGHTS BY THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA... AND WE WILL NOT RELINQUISH THOSE RIGHTS, NOR WILL WE ALLOW OUR POLITICIANS TO BE CONTROLLED BY A RADICAL TERRORIST GROUP! PLEASE DO NOT CONTINUE TO TEST OUR RESOVLE BY PASSING UNCONSTITUTIONAL LAWS... BECAUSE WE ARE NOT THE 3% MAKING DEMANDS, WE ARE THE MAJORITY, WHO ARE ASKING FOR OUR RIGHTS TO BE RESPECTED. GUN UP AND CARRY.... CURA AETERNUM WORKS, IF WE ALL WORK TOGETHER! Patrick James
Posted on: Fri, 16 May 2014 18:45:55 +0000

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