When will the people of America do their own research form their - TopicsExpress


When will the people of America do their own research form their own opinions and ideologies When When. stop running with Media talking points and dog whistles it the reason America is in its inequality state !!!!!!!!!!!!!!It all goes back to this famous quote : Malcolm X quoted: “The medias the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and thats power. Because they control the minds of the masses.” He was also so on point when he said: “If youre not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the oppressing.” How is 12% of the population of this country able to put the county in its deficit issues and problems have you thought about that have you researched it ??? how can 1% of fraud in most major welfare programs be the cause of our massive financial difficulties ??? Have you researched this Have YOU read articles and statistics and formed your own opinion or do you rely on talking points and dog whistles ??? Remember Malcolms Quote !! Every politician republican ,democrat and independent likes to play on semantics instead of the straight truth and facts. If only we would just demand Just the facts Please !!!!!!!! just the facts no semantics, no talking points ,no dog whistles ! Just the facts from republicans, democrats and independents . I so sick and tired of some ones response that how did they get poor and what are and are not doing to get out of being poor (its ok to analyst as a way to prevent or eliminate cause),or that we should stop woman from having babies to scam the system ( we should) , or we should crack down on people using the benefits on other things than what it was intended for ( we should) but Im tired of you making seem like thats the ultimate reason Our Country is in a financial mess BTW did you know that all your talking points or complains and assumptions just make up !% of the fraud and waste. These numbers prove your ideology and talking points are all wrong ! youre doing exactly what Malcolms quote stated your making the honest innocent ones (99%) look guilty and the guilty ( corporate tax fraud) innocent !!!!!! The bible clearly tells us to come together and reason (Isaiah 1:17-20) it also tells us to live peacefully with one another (Romans 12:16-20) it tells us to guard and bridle our tongues (James 1:26 ,Ephesians 4:29 ) it implores us to be fair and honest in our dealings with one another (Proverbs 16:11, Exodus 20:16) and to help the least of us(Matthew 25:40-46) . Unfortunately in politics the bible and its principles are all thrown out the window for the sake of party !!!!! All using semantics, talking points and dog whistles !!! I did a little research and here is what I found !!! Sep 2012 21 STUDY: U.S. Spends $59 Billion on Social Welfare…$92 Billion on Corporate Welfare A recent blog post by Mike Sinn for Think by Numbers questions if the government spends more on social welfare or corporate welfare. The GOP has attempted to turn the political discussion surrounding the upcoming election into a debate about President Obama and social welfare, while progressives have done the same with Mitt Romney and corporate welfare. But who is right!? There have got to be…facts…haven’t there!? According to Sinn, the numbers clearly show that corporations are “mooching” off the government at a much higher rate than 47% of citizens. According to analyzed numbers from the year 2006, the government spends $59 billion (3% of its total budget) on social welfare and $92 billion (5% of total budget) on corporate welfare. Reforms are needed all around, but social welfare as political scapegoat is simply a dangerous myth. Abuse is bound to occur, but the abuses in this space are nothing compared to the abuses of corporations who receive mass subsidies while boosting CEO take-home and hoarding profits to the detriment of the many. In this study, corporate welfare is classified as a corporation taking money from the government and not returning a service or good. While there are potential positive effects from this type of action — such as “job creation” — there are far more negative effects. The numbers used in this study only pertain to financial handouts directly to companies. According to Sinn, nearly 40% of corporate welfare spending flows through the Department of Agriculture: The largest fraction of corporate welfare spending, about 40%, went through the Department of Agriculture, most of it in the form of farm subsidies. (Edwards, Corporate Welfare, 2003) Well, that sounds OK. Someone’s got to help struggling family farms stay afloat, right? But in reality, farm subsidies actually tilt the cotton field in favor of the largest industrial farming operations. When it comes to deciding how to dole out the money, the agricultural subsidy system utilizes a process that is essentially the opposite of that used in the social welfare system’s welfare system. In the corporate welfare system, the more money and assets you have, the more government assistance you get. Conversely, social welfare programs are set up so that the more money and assets you have, the less government assistance you get. The result is that the absolute largest 7% of corporate farming operations receive 45% of all subsidies. (Edwards, Downsizing the Federal Government, 2004) So instead of protecting family farms, these subsidies actually enhance the ability of large industrial operations to shut them out of the market. Listen closely to what politicians say about “welfare” and how they define it. Those who want to end welfare for the neediest working families often have no trouble with the richest corporations milking the same system for all it’s worth. The need for reform is indisputable, but the clear mission of many in power or in pursuit of power to allow corporations to practice welfare queenery is more dangerous (and more costly, on paper!) than food stamps could ever be. IJS How did we get Here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Here are some stats I dug up I implore you not take my word for it but to do your own research on this ! Fiscal 2001, Clintons last fiscal year, added 120 billion to the debt leaving the debt at 5.8 trillion on Sept 30, 2001. Fiscal 02, Bushs first fiscal year, 420 billion added to the debt, leaving the debt at 6.222 trillion Fiscal 03, over 550 billion added to the debt, leaving debt at 6.783 trillion Fiscal 04, over 590 billion added to the debt, leaving debt at 7.379 trillion Fiscal 05, over 550 billion added to the debt, leaving debt at 7.932 trillion. Fiscal 06, over 550 billion added to the debt, leaving debt at 8.506 trillion. Fiscal 07, over 500 billion added to the debt, leaving debt at 9.007 trillion Fiscal 08, over 1 trillion added to the debt, leaving debt at 10.024 trillion. Fiscal 09, over 1.9 trillion added to the debt, leaving debt at 11.909 trillion, marking Bushs final fiscal year. Fiscal 10, over 1.65 trillion added to the debt, more than 200 billion reduction from fiscal 09, leaving debt at 13.561 trillion Fiscal 11, over 1.2 trillion added to the debt, more than a 400 billion reduction from fiscal 10, leaving debt at 14.790 trillion Fiscal 12, over 1.270 trillion added to the debt, only time in Obamas presidency to have a deficit increase, leaving debt at 16.006 trillion. fiscal 13, over 670 billion added to the debt, a 600 billion dollar deficit reduction from fiscal 12, leaving debt at 16.738 trillion. 5 of Bushs fiscal years broke records for largest total deficit ever, 3 of the 4 completed fiscal years of Obama, have resulted in the largest deficit reductions Republicans have voiced outrage about “massive” fraud in the food stamp system and used that as a tool to drive talks of reducing benefits, or getting rid of them altogether. Food stamp fraud costs us up to $750 million a year, which is of course a problem, but it needs to be put into proper context. When you look at the big picture, you see that money lost to fraud accounts for only 1% of the total SNAP budget yearly. In much the same way that the vast majority of hunters are law-abiding citizens who don’t use their guns to cause harm to others, the same can be said of the vast majority of food stamp recipients who use their benefits to feed their families. In each case, those who are law-abiding should have no problems with better oversight and cracking down on shady transactions. But to suggest that food stamp fraud is a massive issue driving our deficits is a logical fallacy of the highest order. Let’s take that $750 million figure a step further and see how it compares to other debt drivers. It’s estimated that we lose $300-$400 billion annually to tax evasion. That’s 400-500 times more than what we lose to food stamp fraud, and 4-5 times more than the entire SNAP program costs to feed almost 50 million people. Or how about the cost of war? The war in Iraq cost us $720 million per day, which of course equates to almost a trillion dollars which was never paid for (over a trillion if you include Afghanistan). Food stamp fraud is, for all intents and purposes, the least of our problems. So why do conservatives focus on things like welfare fraud instead of tackling the real issues? Because it’s easier to blame the poor than to hold the richest accountable. Republicans enjoy leaving us in a perpetual state of debt while attacking the “boogeymen” (the poor, sick and elderly) under the guise of cutting “entitlements.” Meanwhile, the country comes to a standstill and nothing is done to actually bring down the debt. This cycle is repeated over and over again until they either get what they want (more tax breaks for the rich, which have done nothing to stabilize our economy) or go home crying without accomplishing anything. All the while, they know that even if they do succeed in getting certain entitlement cuts, that in itself is not a cure-all for our debt without significant new revenues being brought in. They just don’t care, as long as they can convince their constituents that the only answer is more cuts. Heres a thought Why dont we focus on the 1% fraud welfare fraud (clean it up) why dont we concentrate of reducing the corporate welfare rates which far outpace social welfare. and then find away to reduce our spending on the military that wont hurt our ability to protect ourselves in the world, then lets focus on job creation, infrastructure, education, health, technology and research. whats the problem with a plan that ensures we properly budget our expenses and our revenue. All businesses do it. why cant America do it ?? Thats because most businesses books are not run by politics but by business acumen !!! Just my thoughts time out for politics and its time for Business acumen because people are really hurting !!!!!!
Posted on: Thu, 03 Apr 2014 19:11:43 +0000

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