When you have had your fill of POLITICAL THEATER and the POLITICAL - TopicsExpress


When you have had your fill of POLITICAL THEATER and the POLITICAL SOAP OPERAS of Sara Palin and John Boehner remember the two party system has been doing this for over 150 years, has a great deal of experience creating division, distraction and slipping past laws that undermine America... Enjoy the entertainment but wake up to the reality that all THEY have done in 150+ years is make the wealthy stronger, richer and themselves in the process while Americas infrastructure crumbles, the middle class lose their homes, the environment is decimated, the water is polluted and now being rationed and the civilian army has grown and become waiters and waitresses of pain and suffering... End the suffering in 2014 by taking a stand, voting your conscience, demanding paper ballots, switching to independent voter status and refusing to vote Red or Blue ! And while your at it slowly withdraw your money and convert it to hard assets, grow gardens, install independent energy sources / water purification systems and water storage cisterns ! Spend locally, support your local farms, support your local independent candidates and get ready for a very long, cold and brutal winter... Starve the Corporate and elite of their profits and remember what the terms INDEPENDENT, FREEDOM AND LIBERTY MEAN TO YOU AND WHAT THESE PEOPLE HAVE DONE TO TAKE IT AWAY FROM YOU, YOUR CHILDREN AND GRANDCHILDREN ! Independent 1. Free from outside control; not depending on anothers authority. the study is totally independent of central government synonyms: freethinking, free, individualistic; unconventional, maverick, bold, unconstrained, unfettered, untrammeled an independent spirit 2. Not depending on another for livelihood or subsistence. I wanted to remain independent in old age synonyms: self-sufficient, self-supporting, self-reliant, standing on ones own two feet her grown-up, independent children
Posted on: Wed, 09 Jul 2014 16:17:22 +0000

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