“When you have someone like Al Sharpton visiting the White House - TopicsExpress


“When you have someone like Al Sharpton visiting the White House and providing him counsel eighty-two times and standing and putting pressure on Sony and other individuals, and this angst that has happened, and this mob atmosphere that is going on, this is really what the president would like to have – this vomiting of dissension. But that is not what the inner-city needs right now. We need economic growth. We need better education opportunities. But that’s not the focus.” Payne added that President Obama is stoking racial division because he is unable to improve the economy. “I would actually argue that a lot of times the president’s fallback position with respect to stoking the anger and anxiety with race is because of an inability to move the economic needle … It feels like at every turn that he could blame or hint or suggest that racism was at the fault of criticism, the fault of failure, he took that.” West responded that, although the nation has a black president and many other black people serving in positions of authority, it still is not good enough for Obama. “Well, one of the things is that they created that atmosphere back early in 2009. Eric Holder said that we were a nation of cowards when it came to race. And you look at the fact that we have elected and re-elected the first black president, but yet he still believes that that’s not enough. We have the National Security Advisor, the Department of Homeland Security. I don’t know what more else you need to have.” h/t Allen West Republic Read more at westernjournalism/allen-west-obama-creating-myth-modern-day-racism/#ifWAvsQfZIcoXsTF.99
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 19:17:48 +0000

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